not liking it so far, but nothing's really happened so I can't really make a judgment on the far as the characters, I'm not liking them. Yuma sucks. Well, it's not that he sucks, it's just that I hate him. I really liked how 5D's had a new ass-kicking guy punching people out as the main character, as opposed to a little kid who's still in school in the first two. We're now back to a little kid, and he's the youngest kid yet. And he's in school. So, where's the plot? The green haired girl just looks like a typical Mary Sue/another Tea, and Yuma's fat friend is just annoying. The long haired kid he duels is just a wannabe kid version of Kaiba. The first duel was incredibly boring but that's to be expected, the series is just starting and it needs to ease into the more complicated stuff. But seriously, I miss 5D's already :/ (I can tell I'm going to love Exceeds in gameplay though)
Today, I need to go and listen to a seminar about A.) How bigoted and stupid I am for not supporting gay marriage, or B.) How fat and lazy I am for not being a young activist. Which one should I do, KHV?
I just got a 71 on my Calc II test. I have no idea what the fuсk I am going to tell my parents. I am so fuсked right now. -_- Help me KHV
You do NOT only use 10 percent of your brain. You use the whole thing. I keep hearing this crap in movies and ads for movies and it doesn't do anything but perpetuate the ignorance of the public. Educate yourselves.
It makes it funny to me that Obama does this amidst a literally world-threatening crisis. I hate that guy more and more every day.
I am going to see System of a Down with my friend in two months. DEAR GOD I AM SO EXCITED RIGHT NOW. THESE 2 MONTHS ARE GONNA SUCK.
It actually looks pretty cool.
I don't care whose side you are on, this is wrong. Type in "KHV" and "khv". Also type in your real name/ username and post results. If your result isn't lulzy enough, try varying capitalization (it can only do entire upper or entire lower) My real name: feces Xakota (current username too big) : Brutal XAKOTA: Vagina
And everything is fine and dandy, except, well I NEVER, EVER have blood when I brush my teeth, but this morning when I brushed there was a bunch of blood. Not just some, everything I spat out was red. I got kind of scared. Furthermore there's a really funny taste in my mouth. I'm starting to think my dentist screwed something up. Should I be worried?
Because I don't get it. Seriously. The characters are all the same person. There is no storyline, just a bunch of arcs (or "sagas" if you prefer) that are exactly the same, but with a different villain. I don't get it, really, I don't.
*Watching Community with stepdad* "oh wow, that was an awesome lampshading" "Classic brick joke" "That'll probably end up being a funny anerysm momement" Stepdad:"OKAY SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUСK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???" On an unrelated note, for the first time today, I laughed so hard that I literally cried. Thank you, Community.
And if they have they probably did a much better job than me, but I had an idea and just wanted to show somebody how it came out. Spoiler I didn't realize it until I was done but I really should have used a different poster, Numah 4's sweater makes the text hard to see because of the background
[ "So, hey bro, me and a few friends are going up to Vegas for the weekend, wanna come?" "..................... Well actually, I, uh.... Kinda have a thing...." ;_; ]
Starting from now until the day I die I am NEVER buying another Sony product again. First their unacceptable actions at geohot, whose hack by the way, you still can't (and probably will never be able to) pirate with. Then banning jailbroken PSN users for using geohot's hack, which you can't pirate with, and now this ****. Fuсk you, Sony. Fuсk you.
Hey guys, I've been gone for almost a month (long enough to make me forget my color code, haha) so I thought I'd let you guys know how I'm doing. Things are actually going better with my dog. I spend a lot more time with him now. I even decided to spoon with him let him sleep on my bed, and he really likes it. When the weather's okay for it we go the park more often than we used to. That isn't the only thing though. A few days before I started to leave, we switched our dog to a raw meat diet, as per my suggestion (You wouldn't believe how much research I had to do to convince my parents). I failed to mention this before, but after my dog got his two tumors removed, we noticed that he had another one but we weren't about to pay for another surgery. And like I said, we can't afford proper chemotherapy for him either. But here's the thing, after a few weeks of his new diet, that tumor began to shrink...and now it's gone. We called the vet and we haven't taken him it yet but he said from what we were describing (he's in really good spirits and health) and that tumor going away, he may be in remission. I don't want to get too excited, but things are looking up. As for school, things were really crazy at first, but I just had my first big round of tests and it seems things have calmed down a little. Anyway this is gonna sound cheesy, but I have missed you guys. And given how things are going I think you can consider me tentatively "back".
You may remember me posting about my dog having cancer a bit ago. I was pretty optimistic about it because from everything I was reading it looked like it was nothing. Well, it wasn't. It's lymphoma. The doctor says that without treatment he has about 6 months to live. My family's income is...modest, so we can't afford treatment. On top of that, my mom just had a baby and I have to take care of him a lot. It's pretty stressful for my parents to I feel obligated to help. And on top of that this school year is turning out to be way busier than I thought it would be. So basically I just plain don't have much time for this place. With what's going on with my dog i feel like shіt and just don't really want to do anything. And, I'm really busy. Whenever I come on here, i get this nagging feeling like there's something more important i should be doing. And frankly, I know that feeling is right. This isn't really a "Goodbye" it's more of an "I'll be here significantly less" notice. Because I'll probably still drop in every once in a while to read VMs and stuff. But I will be here a lot less. So yeah, later.
i arrived at school a bit early and 3 of my classes are in a new building so i decided to check it out. It's beautiful. Everything looks so futuristic and awesome and even the landscaping is nice and wow, it's awesome. So after staring at all this for a bit i decided to find where my computer science room is. So I found it, peered through the windows, and the computers all look really nice. So i turn around, but then I double take because I thought i noticed something on one of them... and sure enough... THEY'RE FUСKING MACS. THEY'RE MACS. THEY WANT TO TEACH ME COMPUTER SCIENCE ...ON MACS. THIS IS GOING TO BE A TERRIBLE YEAR.
Tomorrow I will wake up at 6 AM and eat cereal. Then I will get ready. Then I will leave for school at 7 AM and arrive at 7:45 AM. Then, from 8:00 AM to 12:20 PM I will have classes. Then I will have a break for 6 hours and 40 minutes, and then another class until 9:00 PM, at which point my parents will pick me up and I will go home. All I have to survive these thirteen hours at school is this bag of foods. This bag of foods contains two sandwiches, one salad, one small bag of chips, one small bag of pistachios, and one small slice of cake. Do you think I will survive, KHV?