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  1. Always Dance
    I know, I'm a slowpoke, but I need to talk about it. The movie was great, definitely the best movie I've seen this year, and it was pretty close to the book, but as a proper nerd and Ravenclaw, I need to rant about the differences.

    -Pretty much the entire beginning was shortened and cut, I didn't like that. What bothered me the most was the change of how Katniss got the mockingjay pin, that actually pissed me off.
    -They really butchered the Peeta and loaf of bread scene.
    -Prim's actress was seriously terrible.
    -It bothers me that Rue is black. And I know that sounds racist, but that's not my issue, my issue is that it was a really important point that Rue looked like Prim, and she didn't. Also, I think Cinna being black worked out pretty well. So I'm not racist.
    -They cut out the part where District 11 sent Katniss the bread and that was a really sweet moment, that bothered me.
    -They didn't really portray Katniss's rebellion to the Capitol after Rue's death, and that pissed me off because it was really important.
    -They didn't show that Katniss didn't actually love Peeta, even at the end. That was also really important.
    -The dogs! They completely ruined that! I mean, I guess that might have affected the PG-13 ratings, but come on! That was for me THE SCENE that showed how completely effed up the Capitol really is.
    -Not really a change, but I really think Peeta and Gale's actors should have been switched.
    -On the subject of actors, Foxface really should have had a fox face.
    -They didn't really show the Katniss being deaf in one ear thing, which kind of bothered me

    And that's all I can really rant about right now, even though there's probably more I could think of but I need to go to bed :V

    Movie was still excellent though, really glad I saw it. Oh and Effie Trinket was absolutely perfect, best casting choice ever.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Apr 1, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Always Dance
    So, I want to talk about just what Xehanort meant when he said "Seven lights, thirteen darknesses, you will face each other in that world".

    So who are they? The 7 lights could refer to the 7 princesses of light, though I highly doubt that since they haven't been so much as mentioned since 1. It could mean the seven keyblade wielders: Sora, Riku, Mickey, Ven, Aqua, Kairi, and Lea. (Not counting Terra because I'm pretty sure he's dead at this point, right?).

    But the thirteen darknesses, who are they? Is it possible that all 13 of the Organization has returned? Even if that's true, it's only 11 darknesses because Lea is a good guy and Roxas is in Sora now. So who are the other two? Is Vanitas one of them, maybe?


    Thread by: Always Dance, Mar 31, 2012, 29 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  3. Always Dance
    I thought I'd make this just in case anyone is curious about the features/gameplay of 3D but don't want the story spoiled. So here's a list of some cool stuff about 3D:

    -Beginner, Standard, and Proud Mode are included, Critical mode is unlocked after beating Proud Mode.
    -Battle gameplay is essentially identical to Birth By Sleep, aside from the jumping/free mode thing
    -While playing as Sora or Riku the "Drop" meter is always decreasing, and once it hits zero you transfer over to the other character no matter what you're doing. This looks like it's kind of frustrating, a live stream shows Sora fighting a boss and his drop gauge hitting zero. He switches over to Riku and when he switches back to Sora later, he has to start that boss over again.
    -Also, you seem to be able to manually switch characters whenever you want to at a save point.
    -It seems that doing well in battle earns you DP, which I'm guessing is "Drop Points". While "Dropping" (Switching from one character to another), you can spend your Drop Points on rewards, I'm guessing they're skills or items.
    -There's a theater mode and a "Memoir Mode" which contains info from previous games
    -You can unlock keyblades just like in previous games
    -You "Dive" into different worlds when you visit them the first time and it's basically this game's Gummi Ship sequence. Some bosses are fought during these sequences.
    -You have dodge roll and you can also do an air glide-dodge similar to BBS.

    I'm watching the live streams and will update this thread with any other significant gameplay features I see.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Mar 29, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  4. Always Dance
    So that when the spoilers come out in a few days, at least some of us will have to be right. Really get ridiculous, guys. Craziest whackjob theories you've got.


    -Riku has been a nobody since Deep Dive
    -The Unknown kid will end up engulfing Sora/Riku's dream and using one of them as a vessel like Master Xehanort used Terra
    -Braig/Ienzo/whatever other Nobodies are alive other than Lea will end up helping that ^ happen somehow.
    -Joshua will be heavily involved in manipulating Sora's dream for the Unknown kid.

    That's all I've got. You guys go!
    Thread by: Always Dance, Mar 28, 2012, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Always Dance


    What do you think of this new text? I trust it's readable? What say you?
    Thread by: Always Dance, Mar 27, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Always Dance
    Holy crap. My heart hurts. Why did they do this?!?!

    I think I need to go and die like a cat now. I can't handle this.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Mar 23, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Always Dance
    I just thought I should upload this in case any of you are having a bad day...this was recorded on Saturday and I still can't not laugh when I watch it.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Mar 20, 2012, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Always Dance


    I was freaking out, because apparently their transfer acceptance rate is only 45%, and they were the only school I applied to. But I got in! And I apparently qualify for a dickload of financial aid!


    I'm so excited. This is the start of a new chapter of my life. I've grown to hate my community college so much, I seriously can't wait for this.

    Thread by: Always Dance, Mar 18, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Always Dance
    And just when I had forgotten about them, too.

    Also obligatory:

    I now realize that I used to completely suck, please convince me that I don't suck anymore
    Thread by: Always Dance, Mar 17, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Always Dance
    Someone get me a consolation cake
    Thread by: Always Dance, Mar 5, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Always Dance
    Got my tickets to San Diego comic con today. 4-day was sold out so I got tickets for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Am I going to see any of you there by any chance?
    Thread by: Always Dance, Mar 3, 2012, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Always Dance
    Hey everyone! I'm just starting this fic. This is my interpretation of the Danger Days album by MCR in narrative format, there'll be one chapter for each song (Excluding Vampire Money), each chapter will be what I think that song is about. The exception to this is Look Alive, Sunshine, which I'm basically just using as a prologue/ infodump. You don't need to have listened to the album to enjoy this story, everything will be explained thoroughly. Note that this is *sort of* tied in the video series but for obvious reasons it will be sort of different. I'm taking a few artistic liberties, which you will see, but mostly the story I'm telling with this is what I'm pretty much sure Danger Days is supposed to be about. I'd really appreciate any reviews with regard to writing style, or whatever. Only chapter one (More of a prologue) is done so far, I'd appreciate reviews here or on

    For those who haven't listened to Danger Days, the basic concept is that it's the post apocalypse in California 2019. The world has been rebuilt, but is ruled by an idealistic company that keeps the citizens happy on pills. The new world this creates is devoid of true happiness, and the story follows a small rebel group trying to take them down and bring the world back to how it was.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Feb 21, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  13. Always Dance
    In like the past week, I've come up with (What I think are) pretty awesome ideas for a fan fiction, an original novel, and an original RP.

    I can't do all of these things at once :(

    And of course this happens when I'm freaking bombarded with homework. But I can't stop myself. I need to read a 200 page book by Wednesday and haven't started, but I'm already halfway into the first chapter of my fanfic.

    I need to be restrained >___>
    Thread by: Always Dance, Feb 13, 2012, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Always Dance

    So I'm doing my driving school online, which basically works like a textbook where you read it page by page, then take a test at the end of each chapter.

    The annoying and frankly condescending thing is that there's a timer at the bottom of each page that you must let run out before you go to the next page. This is insanely frustrating. At one point I read a page in about one minute, and had to wait an additional FOURTEEN before I could go to the next page.

    "I will not stand for this," Said I, "For I am a computer science major".

    So I used Chrome's inspect element feature to find out that the button to go to the next page calls a Javascript function, continueNextPage();
    I then used the script viewing feature to find out that this function checks the boolean function "dunn". I check out THAT function and finds that it checks if vTotalTime, the amount of time I've spent on a page, is greater than a variable vTimeReq, the required time. So I used the console and typed in the line "vTimeReq=1;", making it so I only have to spend 1 second on the page. Lo and behold, the variable isn't private, it works! So now all I have to do is open the console and type "vTimeReq=1;" on every page. But wait, that's no fun. So I made a bookmark with the field "javascript:vTimeReq=1;continueNextPage();". Every time I click this bookmark it takes me right to the next page.

    Daily life = Owned.

    Thread by: Always Dance, Jan 7, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Always Dance

    Every year

    I remember joining two of these forums. I never remember to delete my accounts on these things I sign up for and they like to rub it in my face every year
    Thread by: Always Dance, Dec 16, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Always Dance
    When you're stressing your god damn ass off about finals.

    Calculus III can suck a bag of dicks.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Dec 11, 2011, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Always Dance
    Thread by: Always Dance, Dec 5, 2011, 34 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Always Dance
    I'm starting to feel insanely stressed and I'm beginning to lose all the confidence I used to have in myself. Everything's piling on top of me and I feel like I can't do it anymore, like I need for it all to just stop somehow (No, I'm not talking about suicide).

    Let me give some background first. I'm NOT bragging but how I got to where I am has a lot of bearing on my situation.

    I graduated high school and starting taking classes at a community college when I was 14 years old. I was scared when I started. I was taking College Algebra and College English. They only let me take 2 classes because of my age. Luckily math was very easy for me and English turned out not to be that bad either so I got A's in both classes. At this point I was still really nervous about being in college because everyone was constantly reminding me about my age and I had only taken two classes, next semester was going to be a full load.

    So next semester I was taking a full load of classes. Intro to Computer Science, Trigonometry, Art, and Philosophy. Computer science and trig were pretty easy for me, art was insanely easy, but philosophy was a bit of a different situation, it was really weird, the teacher talked for the entire semester and we didn't have one test or one bit of homework or anything, and then on the last day we had to turn in a report and take 4 tests. In one day. Since it was the last day I don't really know how I did exactly but nonetheless I got an A in that class and in all my other classes.
    So at this point I was feeling a little more confident. It was only my second semester but I had gotten A's in all my classes so far and everything had been pretty easy.

    Next semester was where things kind of started to go downhill. I was taking computer science, philosophy, and logic, all of which were extremely easy, but I was also taking Calculus.
    Now the thing is I got who was supposed to be the best teacher possible in that class but I was seriously just not good at it. I got a C on my first two tests, but I got an A on the last test and on the final. I earned a B in that class, but my teacher gave me an A anyway because it was close and she saw improvement with my A on the final.
    Even though I didn't really earn my grade in Calculus I still felt fine at this point...after all even if I had gotten a B I could have dealt with that.

    The next semester was a complete disaster. I was taking data structures, history, psychology, and calculus II. I am not happy with what happened in any of those classes.

    For data structures...I was able to actually write the code for the class very well, but I tested really badly. I got a D on the midterm, my first failing grade ever. I got full credit on all of the programming assignments however, and I did an extra credit programming assignment that I'm assuming helped my grade a lot. I never found out how I did on the final but it must have been decent because I got an A in the class.

    For history, I got B's on all the tests. I guess that doesn't sound too bad,'s history. It's supposed to be the easy class, so I felt pretty bad about this. I got an A in the class because I did some extra credit assignments.

    Psychology was the one that kind of killed me. My teacher was insane and expected the class to memorize a ridiculous amount of things for the test, and the tests were all written. But the thing was, he actually gave all of the questions that would be on the test before the test day, and he let us write the test on our laptops, and he's pretty computer illiterate, and you probably see where I'm going with this.
    I cheated on every single test. It's the only time I've ever done this in my time at college, but I didn't really feel bad about it at the time because frankly I found what he expected to be pretty ridiculous. Shamefully I still *barely* got an A in the class.

    And lastly, Calc II. This was the one that completely killed me. My teacher was really bad, everyone in class complained about him, but nonetheless everyone seemed to be doing okay...
    I failed the first two tests. I got a high C on the next two and i don't know how I did on the final.
    I got a C in that class. It struck a pretty big blow to my ego but it didn't really bother me at the time, I just sort of blamed it all on the teacher.

    That brings us to now...I'm taking Assembly language, History, Spanish, and Calc III. I'm doing okay in History and Spanish, but the way things have been going in Assembly and Calc are just killing me...I've failed every single quiz in Assembly (but again I'm getting full credit on the programming) and I have a C in Calc. But more than any of the semesters before this I'm feeling so stressed and bad about myself...suddenly, now more than ever, everything's just kind...piling on me, I've never felt this stressed, and it feels so futile because I know my grades in Assembly and Calc aren't going to be how I want them. I have no idea how I'm going to deal with my parents when they find out I'm going to get a B in Assembly, they're going to be absolutely furious, knowing that is insane, it's like a time bomb that I can't stop. I'm applying to universities this semester and I feel like I'm not going to get into any of them.
    For the first time in my life...I hate school. I can't stand being here, I don't want to come here, all I can associate it with is dread and stress and overload.
    And now more than ever it's starting to hit me like a ton of bricks that I'm not anything special. I'm not smart, I'm just some kid, for the first time I feel like I'm not ready for this yet and like I can't do it anymore...

    Is this normal? Have any of you ever felt this way? I don't know what to do.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Dec 1, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  19. Always Dance


    Go test this
    Thread by: Always Dance, Nov 22, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Always Dance
    I need to test something.

    Okay you guys can stop now. Thank you all! You'll see why I needed this in a second.


    Gonna be a few hours guys :(
    Thread by: Always Dance, Nov 22, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone