^_^ nyeh! ygo adbrigade?
Hi there ^_^ =_=' my nightmare has come true >_< he's making a movie
heheh ^_^ how were you?
Hi ^_^ thx for adding me ^^
nothing im reading
oh wow XD haha
nothing.. im on my facebook.
ask rvr he loves vocaloid and brs
yeah it's very popular too
vocaloid is music not a show but the black rock shooter is a show
Vocaloid It's a ova so there's gonna be a part 2 in this since me rvr and la sofa is excited about it too xD
finding black rock shooter pics ^^
Black rock shooter is the best saw the first can't wait for the second ova XD
hi ^_^ im doing good just bored xp
Hi you doing good happy to see my friend ^^ ?
im good ^^