What just happned? O.O
what just happned? >>"
-nibbles on cookie- :3
lol XD -gives you cake-
aww umm what do you wanna do?
hmm think of somthing fun XD
how? XD hahaha
were good ^_^ like this photo x3 he makes me blush >//< [IMG]
I know! x3 we met in high scool x3 he's nice and hotttttttttttt!!! X3
heheh yeah XD im good hehe wanna see my bf x3 it's in my alums x3 ( thx XD)
Sakura ^^ can u give me your website link ><'' my friend for got the website name
That's scary >.>"
your welcome ^_^
heheh she miss you XD
Im with my boyfriend x3
heheh ^.^ my friend showed me it it was funny hehe
that's good ^_^ oh did you see my bf in my albums he cosplay too ^.^ ( ^_^zexion's real wife^_^ you know her?)
I don't think it's possible cause one time this girl i know tried but the other boy got too jealous and it didn't end far too well.. >.>'
ygo = aswn XD
Me and my friend are doing a little cosply XD (zrw know her?)