hi there :D
well oir convo's delted >.>' oh khv said some one hacked it and so they restred it to aus. 8 XD
your welcome :3
okay i will
Im working on models like usula >~<''
What how did she act? and woa! O.O no she didn't tell me what happned though? O.O
yeah same here with me ^_^
okay night and im on FB playing games xD
I know she didn't reply yet >>"
yeah im okay nothing new with me though what about you? :3 hehehe ^///^
hehehehe :3
XD hehehe ^_^
Yeah >>' even our pm convo DX
XD hahaha ( yeah i was gonna say both x3 )
I know DX it feels like were in the past too x'D hahaha so were back to friends again YAY! ^_^
Im good :3 KHv turned upside down O.o
KHV turned upside down O.o BACK TO THE PAST! >>"
D: next thing it was old KHV next thing back to this O.o
OMG really?! O.O
What just happned? O.O