I'm kinda new. o.o I was stalkering Marly (Dahlia Petals) >_> <_<........Yep. I'm "Larx" uh, but I have a lot of names and you can call me whatever you want I guess. Kurui is probably one of my more popular ones. I don't like KH. I just looooove Vexen (Is it obvious?). With passions! (But I love Kageroza-kun from BLEACH most cause.....brocolli colour hair and brown eyes.......brown eyes are one of my weaknesses. But >.> Both are mad scientists. I love scientists! And smart guys in general. Specially good looking ones like those two. v////v) <3 I made Vexy sing songs for me >_> because I also like to sing. But I'm sick so I don't really get to anymore, so I just make people sing for me. XD I like to talk. A lot. I'm pretty outgoing. I like to make stuff like videos and music and little games with friends. I think i suck at everything and basically worship anything my friends create. I'm sick alot. The doctors dunno whats wrong with me but I got disability benefits based on symptoms alone. I'm not really afraid of anything except bugs. I hate bugs <_<.......and phones. I'm always scared to talk on phones. I dunno why. I just HATTTTE them. I literally dive behind things to get away from ringing phones. XD I like the colour purple and black. I like gothic stuff. :D My favourite food is cheeseburger hamburger helper. I hate most sweets and especially chocolate. It makes me go ewwww. I'm obsessive with fish. I use them to smack people around. If I were a character on a game/anime, my weapon would totally be a big fish. FEEESH <3 ^^ I HATE being cold. I'm always cold. I know that kinda clashes with my Vexen love but not really. I said it before and I say it again. Vexen may be cold, but he makes me so hot. I think I found that quote somewheres. Dunno. Maybe I made it up. My memory is shot from stuff anyway so eh. And Marly is sleeping so I'm probably about to join him. Cause it's like 4 40 am. So if I say werid stuff, blame that. And sorry for the randomly kinda long, but hopefully interesting and not too boring, intro~
1. Thankies for posting my music x3 *huggles* Even though I sound terrible sooooo yeah. 2. I love chu, Marly. I will finish your Sakurane soon. 3. I finished Vexen's version of him singing Sakurane~ and bout to post it on the Sumitsuki forums. :D And he sounds super sexeh as ever. I need to ninja more syllables from him when he's not paying attention. XD But the song sounds reallllly good even with what I do have. I love the way he does his "kaaa~" at like 3 : 04 in the song. I just like his 'ahhh' in general. >////> Vexy has a very distinct voice and it's smexy as heck. 4. Because your pro at art we should make PVs to your versions of Sakurane. Or just animate them using the original as a guide :D. That'd take forever wouldn't it >_> yeaaaahhh............ 5. There is no number 5.