Search Results

  1. Vexen<3
    I want to make you sing beautifully, as an UTAU! I'm looking for brand spanking new UTAU to add to my ever growing collection of lovely voices. You do not have to have any singing talent. All you need to be able to do is sing ONE note repeatedly. You can do that right? Well then you can sing! And it doesn't take much time at all.

    I made a thread earlier with some of my UTAU I work with, but I failed to see this section for recruiting~~~ (because I am so obviously BLIND). So now this <3

    I'm looking for up to five people who want to be part of the Sumitsukiloid collection of UTAU. Your voice will be featured in covers, original game projects, original audio projects, and promotional items. If Sumitsuki gets compensation for any work(s) your voice appears in, you get a cut, decided by contract, of payment, if desired and if conditions are met.

    Requirements ---->
    1. Decent mic. I can clean up some noise and static but try to provide as clean of samples as possible.
    2. An audio recording program such as Audacity.
    3. Between 4-10 minutes of your time for a basic CV bank. It may take many days or weeks of recordings if you want a VCV bank for your UTAU. VCV is NOT required. The maximum time you'll spend recording the basic is probably much less than 10 minutes. It's THAT easy, guys.
    4. Fill out form below.

    This IS first come, first serve.

    How to sign up ---->(*) Are required fields. Those left blank that need filling will be filled in by me or a Sumitsuki member.
    (*)Name: YOUR name. What you want to be credited as.
    (*)Your Gender: Male/Female
    UTAU Name: You're creating a singing character. Name them. Put last name first, in Japanese tradition.
    UTAU Gender: Male, Female, Undecided, Both?
    UTAU Appearance: What does your character look like?
    UTAU Personality: What does your character act like?
    (*)Long term?: Yes/No. This means that we will collaborate with you FREQUENTLY to update your banks. Which means this will be more than a one recording done deal. You will likely be invited into the actual team itself, to work on producing your UTAU.


    For basic recordings I will be giving you (in PM) a complete list of around 120 syllables that you will need to record. You should sing the syllables in a comfortable range for your voice using ONE NOTE for every syllable. That means sing every syllable at the same pitch. If you prefer you can record the entire bank three times - one at normal pitch, one higher, and one lower. This will give your character a more flexible range. Record the bank in the same file, clearly pronouncing each syllable as instructed. You should hold out the syllable from between .5 to 1.5 seconds long each. You can listen to a small sample of someone's file by CLICKING HERE. This is what you'll be doing for around 120 syllables. Simple, no? XD

    I will give more specific instructions to those five who make it here first and show interest.


    The end result is that you will have a singing character that sings with your voice. I'll post an example of a song used with the voice of the girl who's example file you just heard~

    Thread by: Vexen<3, Apr 8, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: Project Casting
  2. Vexen<3
    I can help you clean up the static although it is a little excessive D: T_T so it might slightly crystallize your voice, but that is better than having that buzz sound. What microphone do you use? What are your playback device settings? Is it a USB mic?

    Here's a quick sample of like a minute of noise reduction. It's only a few mouse clicks to clean it this good~:

    So I'll be happy to help you get your audio quality to sound better than staticy ^^

    Good job singing guys.
    Post by: Vexen<3, Apr 8, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus
  3. Vexen<3
    Also I noticed, but for the best quality of mixing, you might want to say what kbps is needed, and I suggest .wav instead of .mp3 for the best sound (unless your mixing program and their audio program supports better formats, but .wav tends to be the going thing thats friendly with all programs and has decent quality). Just a suggestion if you want the mix to sound nice an' all. o.ob

    You might also want them to record separate files for each part. Oftentimes even when someone records their parts to the timing, it can get a little off-track with the other participators. Then you'd have to go in and cut it all out yourself to do fine-tuning timing and thats more hassel than its worth imo. Having the parts separated will make it easier on you mixing wise because then you'll be able to shifty it as much as you like until everything lines up. This also helps better with resampling/stretching of certain parts, say, if someone cut off their note too quick and you need to stretch just that part out. Without having to search the whole song file for that one area.
    Post by: Vexen<3, Apr 8, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus
  4. Vexen<3
    Confusing layout is confusing. >____<;;;; Soooooooooo.......

    I'll sing harmonies if anyone is needed for harmonies/backup? Cause I love singin dem kinds o' harmoniez to songs.
    Post by: Vexen<3, Apr 8, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus
  5. Vexen<3
  6. Vexen<3
  7. Vexen<3
  8. Vexen<3
  9. Vexen<3
    I didn't say YOU sounded ugly. I said the program stretches your voice to hit those higher notes makes it sound ugly. It generates noise that can't be removed by my mixing program >____>;;; Also my Audacity crashed so I have to remix everything AGAIN. I'm beginning to hate my computer OTL..................
    Post by: Vexen<3, Apr 8, 2012 in forum: Production Studio
  10. Vexen<3
    The picture does look really sad, but your art is so good. makes me wanna burn mine in shame, so yeah. XDD;; I can't wait to see the coloured version.
    Post by: Vexen<3, Apr 8, 2012 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Vexen<3
    I submitted application for - audio mixing~ I'm learning about it and this would be a good way to just practice. x3
    Post by: Vexen<3, Apr 8, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus
  12. Vexen<3
    1. Intelligence. Like super sciency intelligence. Totally the most important to me. <3 If a guy can talk science to me (even though I will never understand a word that is said of it probably), I'm pretty much wrapped around his finger. Everything else is pretty much thrown out the window because the attraction to that is so strong.
    2. I tend to like guys that most everyone hates. Uh, I don't know why that is. I think because I generally like geeky, nerdy, insane guys and those seem to be not very popular with most. But i also like social rejects, because that's my opposite. I was very popular/surrounded by friends, and I tend to want to be stuck with people who maybe don't attract much attention because I like to be the one that gives them the attention! It makes me feel special~~~~ and I like making them feel worth something.
    3. They don't have to be nice to anyone else. Most of my loves weren't. As long as they love me they can have a very strange, offish, even murderous attitude towards others. I really can't name one guy I've been with who was very loving/gentle to everyone. ^^;;; Most hated people, and the world in general , except for me.
    4. Children~ They should want children. Because I want to be a mother. ^__^
    5. Interested in what I'm interested in at least a little. I like talking and I don't want to bore them. XDDD
    6. I mostly like passive guys and introverts, but it's not important, because I like someone who will challenge me too. I am a dominatrixy type though so. Yeah.
    7. I'm sick a lot so maybe someone who can help me without making me feel totally useless. I'm pretty independent, but having someone who is nice to me and willing to help me is a plus.
    8. They should at least be okay with how I look. I don't want my big breasts to be made fun of (cause guys have before). If they're not comfortable with being with a short, curvy girl, they can hit the road. I don't tolerate being made fun of because of my genetics. ^^;;;;;

    I don't really care about physical appearances that much but I have preferences although that helps I'd still be with someone who isn't in the categories of it. Because really, as long as the guy loves me, then yeah. But here's some appearance things I like or don't like as much.

    1. Brown eyes or black eyes. They are a weakness. I can't say no to them >_>................Specially brown eyes. I don't care much for blue eyes.

    2. I like very fat guys. ^^;;; I also like very thin guys. I tend to not like overly muscular looks on guys.

    3. GLASSES. C'mon They are sexy. >//<

    4. Dark hair. Specially black hair. I also like silky, longish hair. I mostly like every colour of hair except blonde is my least fav.

    5. Other than NERDY looks, gothic guys are always prioritized with looks if nerdy/geeky isn't available. I'm gothic, and I like gothic. Not as much as nerdy, but it'd be cool to match someone in looks.

    6. I like people with very striking features. Not the typical average look. Like very accentuated cheekbones XD I love those.

    Yeah, theres a list from the top of my head o.o
    Post by: Vexen<3, Apr 7, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  13. Vexen<3
    Your voice is too deep to sing that part. I know cause originally i was gonna give it to you and have Vexy sing lead but it stretched it too much and made it sound ugly. ^^;;;; Sexy Vexy's voice is perfect for it though~ sorry, mar mar.

    i grew a perfectionist attitude last night and decided to do some mixing for BOTH your versions. Sorry lol. I have mixed in a verse of your already thouh. Hear it HERE.
    Post by: Vexen<3, Apr 7, 2012 in forum: Production Studio
  14. Vexen<3
    You see me with headphones on? That means I'mma workin on it =_=. I got sick. Gimmeh a break, geeze, Marly.

    But I did make something else just for the lolz. I made Vexen/Marluxia duet the funky intro to Insanity (click to listen).

    I think I'mma make the whole song with you and Vexy after I finish your competition piece thingy.
    Post by: Vexen<3, Apr 6, 2012 in forum: Production Studio
  15. Vexen<3
    I loves chu, Mar Mar! *huggles* And I like your smilies too. Don't be sad~ And hurry up and come home so you can be back on forums.
    Post by: Vexen<3, Apr 6, 2012 in forum: Archives
  16. Vexen<3
    lolwtfbbq is this........I don't even.

    A failsketch of someone's character.

    'nother failsketch.

    From a game. o.o

    Sorry if I burned your eyes. >.>
    Thread by: Vexen<3, Apr 6, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Vexen<3
    If you can't sing to save your life, and you are willing to record some syllables for me to work with, I can make you sing beautiful with my UTAU program as an UTAUloid. <3 Just ask. I love working with new UTAU. So please ask and let's work together.

    Mar Mar made a thread with my real singing ^^;; but since I don't sing much anymore, I wanted to make a thread just specifically for the UTAU music stuff I do.

    Right now I'm obsessed with making Vexen sing. >////> I ninja'd some clips from him to make him sing Sakurane. I only made him sing that for fun as a battle off against Mar Mar to prove who was the better man. <3 Cause REALLY Manry Organization members SING <3 Fo sho. Buuut yeah. Right now I'm experimenting with Vexen and Marluxia's voices. do.o Mar mar recorded his syllbles directly for me but Vexy did not so his is clearer, but Vexy has more of them because Mar Mar chickened out last minute.

    I did make vexen start singing some of the BlueBird theme from Naruto anime. He sounds really good on it too :D. Vexen has a very nasally voice <3.


    Sumitsukiloids (UTAU belonging to me, my friends, my team as a whole~)

    Just click on song titles to play them. :3

    UTAU Name: I have no clue........he didn't really say what name he wanted.
    Voice: Vexen's lol it's obvious. Just listen to that voice of his >///////////<

    - I made this song, without mixing just for fun, in a battle against Marluxia singing the same song. Marly doesn't have a full version yet but he will by the end of the day~~~~ wheee. I love his "Kaaa~~~" at the 3: 04 mark. Its so beautiful. >//> I didn't make the UST but I did edit it a LOT. Just saying.

    Bluebird WIP
    - Suddenly there was mixing! XD I actually mixed this one and it's obvious from the other song compared to this one. I might finish it. But imainly used it for Audacity mixing practice because I'm not used to working in Audacity.


    UTAU Name: Dahlia
    Voice: Marluxia ~~~~ His deep manry voice of his.

    Sakurane WIP
    - Yes I know, he lacks syllables that Vexen has. I'm working on getting him to cooperate for a full bank *pinches Mar Mar* <_<. His voice is really deep and kinda of soft. I like this UTAU because he works easy with syllable transitions and has a smoothe voice AND all resamplers love him. XD But i still find Vexy's voice to be sexier. Sorry Marly.


    UTAU Name: Matsuki Hiro
    Voice: Nozomi-chan
    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Funeral Nocturnal Luminescence
    - My favorite song that I have made with her voice. Her UTAU's gender remains a mystery >_>;;.......It couuld be a boy or a girl, who knows. lol But i know her voice is perfect on this song. :D She's one of my favourite UTAU to work with.


    UTAU Name: Ichijo Tetsunori
    Voice: Kageroza-kun <3 My looooove. >////////////////////////////<
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    The guy in the pic obviously. I just sketchied them together because they are singing partners alot in songs. And their voices are like perfect together >w> *jealous* (that pic of that girl is my friend's UTAU not me)

    UTAU Name: Shinogati Reina
    Voice: Kitty-chan
    Appearance: The cat girl in the pic

    A Tetsunori Mix
    - A mix and match of different songs with Tetsu's voice. His recordings were crap quality. thats why it sounds so buzzy roboticy but you can still hear how beaaauuutiful he is in them <3 *twitches with superlove*

    Hurting for a very Hurtful Pain WIP DUET
    - This is the song the pic was drawn for XD. They sound amazing together.

    Aozora / Reina
    - One of Reina's songs. Her voice is so small and fragile and pretty. x3 Her recordings arent very clear either though >.< But still, pretty voice and pretty song.

    Harmonies Test on Starduster
    Yes, yes they sound that beautiful together. Didn't your ears just gasm? xD

    Dat Ah 8B
    - When i was first testing how to make USTs and pitchy bends. Tetsonori is showing just how powerful his Ah really is!


    There's lots more loids, but I'll dig up more links later. Comments and sign up please thanks. <3 I want your voicceeeeeeomnomnomnomdesu.
    Thread by: Vexen<3, Apr 5, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  18. Vexen<3
    I've been sick for THREE years. Doctors don't know whats wrong with me. They keep diagnosing me left and right, then un-diagnosing me, then telling me I am crazy and making it up. Then charting that I am having real symptoms, but that it must be anxiety converting itself into physical illness. Like srsly....... I was diagnosed with IST (where my heart beats too fast and sometimes out of rhythm), and NMH (fainting). It's most probally a Autonomic Nerve System problem, because ALL my symptoms point to it, right down to the drops in blood pressure and everything, but they just won't test me for this Dysautonomia illness that runs in my family on my dad's side some. Not even to rule it out. Because it's so "rare" I "can't possibly have it".

    And let's get one thing straight.

    I do NOT feel anxious. It did NOT come on in the middle of a time of stress. This illness came on randomly. Now doctors are like wanting to tell me how I feel and not. I had one lady try to brainwash me the last trip to doctors and it's really frustrating >_>........

    My fav part of that kooky woman's convo went something kinda like this~

    "What are you thinking about right now?"
    "I want to draw o.o cause I like to draw~"
    "Oh (obviously thinking I was going to say I was thinking about how sick I am).....okay........ummm so what do you usually do when you want to draw?"
    "Uh.....I draw?"
    "Actually you tell yourself that if you draw you'll get sicker so you don't do it."
    "Uh, no? I actually draw........o.o"
    "Oh.......well then you don't feel sick when you draw, so it's obviously in your head."
    "Actually no. I draw even when it hurts me to draw because I'm not just gonna sit there and do nothin-"
    "yeah you just sit there and focus on your sickness but if you actually drew and forgot about it you wouldnt be sick."
    "ANYWAY, I draw even though it really hurts me, and I have to take a lot of breaks cause it makes me realllly sick."
    "oh.......Do you ever have days when you dont feel sick?"
    "Like maybe twice a year?"
    "Focus on those days and youll see your not thinking about being sick."
    "Uh, i never just THINK about being sick, it just happens."
    "No, on the days you dont feel sick its cause your not thinking about it that much."
    "Not really o.o. In fact I think about it more, cause I'm like 'wow Im not as sick today, thats werid!' and that thought about sickness sticks in my mind those days~ so actually I think it makes me think about it MORE cause its so not normal for me~"
    "Oh.......well...............heres my card, and go see a psychiatrist."
    (She really did say "oh" and looked puzzled THAT many times. lol As if she can't believe that I would actually defy her and not accept her little "You will feel like I say you feel" thing.) XDD

    And this little conversion thing they're explaining to me they've obviously got their facts all wrong. I researched it after they mentioned it and it was basically absolutely NOTHING like they describe.

    I think the worst part of my sickness is not the fainting,feeling like I'm dying, throwing up constantly, pain's the doctors and unsupportive family that tell me "Aw it's nothing". I am not evil but I wish for a day they'd just have to be as sick as I am on a daily basis~ Just to shut them the heck up.

    I guess that was more a rant than a "help me with issues". But seriously, how does someone deal with all the craziness. >_<
    Thread by: Vexen<3, Apr 5, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  19. Vexen<3

    Ohai hai~

    Mar mar!!!!! *runs and glomps you, knocking the flowery petals right out of you XD * Heh. I love the person who referred to me as "Stalker". best name ever of mine. Thanks for welcoming a crazy girl into the forum.
    Post by: Vexen<3, Apr 5, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  20. Vexen<3
    I love your art, Mar mar <3. It's good for an eleven year old. *pokes fun* XD I think of them all I like Lee Seung Hyun the best. I like darker pictures. But I like the newest one too for the contest you'll never get to enter cause your family dragged you away~ The skin you draw looks so realistic in it >_>;;;
    Post by: Vexen<3, Apr 5, 2012 in forum: Arts & Graphics