What about his eyes?
They were banned?!?!
hate me! but pokemon is kinda.. for little kids.. and to think people actually believe in them? these kids are ignorant 5 year olds.. You do? You'll be lyao when I get accepted! Kingdom Hearts VS. Pkoemon yeh I think we'll lose(sarcasm)..
they still need to accept me.. sadly people are making fun of them I guess.. I need to be verified.. pfft..
I should probly spam their e-mails with stuff like "NOO!!! I'M A TRUE BELIEVAH!! ACCCEPT MEH!!!" But seriuosly! I MUST JOIN!!
awwww... man! It said that the admin needed to review meh profile to make sure I'm not an 'EvIl DiGiMoN BeLiEvEr' lol I hope I'm accepted by tomorrow!
Your a member on that forum arn't you?
Repeat ofcouse! Repeat is in the boat.. my dad told me that one!
lol yes we shall pray to the pokemon gods above!
Join the club dedicated to hating pokemon! I am currently in the procces of breaking the bad(good) news to these idiotic kids, who believe that pokemon are real. http://z9.invisionfree.com/Pokeclipse/index.php?act=idx That should link to the site.
That would be awesome!! We should start a Pokemon haters club.. lol I think I will!
lol, it STIL WONT LET MEH POST!! When will i be able to post?
yeh.. It wont let meh POST!! When it lets me post, I will give out the link to the thread saying how idiotic these people are and that pokemon arent real! wait! I should become the most favourited person on there, and then break the bad news to them!
crap.. I doubt the admin is on now..
lol I think I might give them the link to this thread!!
some dud responded with:
36744 D.Gray-Man? Who/what's that?
Ish Correct..
I would laugh too..
36742 good