Did you mistakenly add an N there? Or you seriuos?
<3 pokemon :( {> <} ^|^|Acorns Rock^|^
You bloody pokemon <3 woot! I figured out how to make an acorn! {> ^^|Acorn|^^
I can see properly now the rain has gone lol fixed!
:woohoo: I always win!! uh.. sortof!
first, this was a joke second, this was a joke third, that's just your opinion, it doesn't get boring fast, it gets exciting fast!
Should be private..
uh. yeh, It's where it probably smells alot!
"Who ordered the body of Christ?" "Oooh! I did!!" "I hope you enjoy his head and kneecraps, sir!" "I will! they're the reason why I ordered this!" lol..
I know how Sara got the name Sara! There's a god in the best mmo ever, Runescape, well.. anyways, The God's name is Saradomin, there are 2 other gods whose names are: Zammarack(Zammy), and Guthix(No nick-name). and Saradomin was shortened by the players, and re-dubbed as Sara! Thus, making Sara a Runescape God! Okay, Now before you give me negative rep, and post hate - comments, this was just a joke..
wtf makes you think I'm emo?
What type of love than?
WTF??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? Thinks i'm emo..
Ish Pensive . . .
I will try out also Joke or no joke IO still want to try out!
uhh.. I don't know? Because he's a pokemon lover?
Am I joining? Well . . I don't want to join now sorry..
is an unsaintly saint . .
What? You mean - omg!! Omg!! oh the nasty!! ohh!!! Sick images are in my head now!! I didn't need to know that!! aaaahhhhhh!!
Laugh Your Ass Off What's your name on that forum? and you meditate in your bathroom? The video game - yes. In real life - no.