VIKING!?!?! You mean Norwegian? Vikings are Scandanavians!! What's ICO?
^ Keeps coming here < Ish posting in this thread V Ish no <} <3
it's safe until we ask you why you gave us such a weird name
Since she posted up the answers for the first question lol
^ Ish correct < Ish oldy V Think I'm Epicly awesome!
Meh.. I've played it before, and it SUCKED! well X-Box version anyways! -w- <}
I suggest Panda Internet Security It's detected a couple of viruses on my computer, and I never had one since! Delete the file, and Run another virus scan(the virus probably already spread through out your computer), and it should detect the virus, and it will most likely have an option to delete it..
^ Ish Incorrect < Ish meh V Ish a losah! lol
You are a failure, my friend.. Because, I AM A WINNAHH!!
I guess Some people think Master Chief is a one - legged Whore?! lol that's weird! *.*
We Wish You A Merry Christmas .. In Your Pants! WtF? doesn't sound right!
35775 rainbowGasp!
Ish epicly wrong.. just Epicly wrong..
yesh omg!!! I am teh king of <} !!!! I forgot what I was going to say..
35770 lmaoGasp i'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!! lol
Ish a KEyBlade usher
How do you know??? I <$ <}! is a big bad catci!
Hell yes! And thank god too!! <}{> Isn't a keybladeusser
hm.. Some people said that I'm like 1110.. oh wait.. he said we were at each others throats.. nVm.. <}