Not at all anyone can tell yo ***** ass that you got nothing going but it takes real skill to tell you that while you sit here and act like your hot **** on a forum, other people are actually doing things,like getting laid.Guess that makes a cold turd on a paper plate don't it?Enjoy your virginity ;)
No you fail you just threw in a couple of curse words to create the illusion of not being absolutely pathetic.
Grammar Nazi!
Close this thread you sick cold hearted troll!If you need to insult people for entertainment then you truly are a lowly life form.
YOU MADE Me LOSE THE GAME! ......talking bout how youll win the game........
Name:Alphonse(Al) Age:Unknown Gender:Male Appearance: Black semi long hair.Bright reddish looking eyes.A long red coat with a black vest and long black pants.About 6'2".Fit build.(but not like bodybuilder gross) Class:Strange Effect Background Story:As a boy he grew up alone after being abandoned on the streets.He only knew one friend he ever cared for.One day though she was attacked by heartless and Al never saw her again.He began to become consumed with darkness though a pure light remained in him.One day after a great inner struggle, the light seperated from him becoming the person known as Neohlaxps (Lax).Al continued his inner struggle and has managed to keep his darkness in check and sometimes control it. Other: Name:Neohlaxps (Lax) Age:Unknown Gender:Male Appearance: Short spiky white hair.(kinda like my avatar <<) Bright blue eyes. Black jacket with a white shirt and long dark jeans.About 5'11" Though he doesn't look it he is strong. Class:Strange Effect Background Story:After he split from Al, Lax vowed his purpose would be to help others.His goal is to become stronger so he can help those who need him. Hes fueled by the memory of his childhood friend who was powerless to save. Other: OOC: Do I wait till they clear the I/O tower before I describe the strange effect because Lax's is kind of complicated
0.o i just logged into red dead redemption online........COULD IT BE!?! OMG! PEOPLES!!! *cries tears of joy*
OOC:ill stop when he quits with this "unable to move" bs those kinds of posts ruin it thats why wigglez rages too you have to stop and it makes sense anyway i just havent fully explained it yet (probably will when wigglez posts again) but in xerts logic if you can think of some way to explain why he can then he can
??????? like........a baby?
Glad I could help!
Al smirked and opened a portal cassually walking through.His arm reached out of the other portal behind Nasele pulling her in.As he threw her out of a portal he stepped out too sealing it behind them.They were surrounded by fire and magma.There was a terrible stench in the air.Screams could be heard from all around.Al laughed."Where are we you may ask? Well I'll tell you.........Welcome to Hell!" he said laughing like a maniac."No your not dead yet.......but I plan to change that!" OOC:XD my location makes sense again!
Save one for me too! (Effin exams.....)
OOC:SOOOOO NOT GONNA HAPPEN BIC:The heartless faded into the ground and popped up in front of Nasele landing a powerful uppercut.
OOC:screw it tired of waiting for Xert BIC:Al finally burst through a wall and spied Nasale across the room.He began laughing like a maniac."I'VE FOUND YOU!!!"
i wouldnt freak out :) im a generally calm person -_- <(at peace face)
not even in pm? also if we all just stopped and said Xert we refuse to continue until you stop godmodding(if everyone says it he will have no choice)
As Al reached the coast he opened a dark portal and walked in,stepping out on the coast of Australia.He continued running torwards Nasele.
nope :/ unfortunately he doesnt i say we all team up and kill him!
OOC: assuming thats where she is then yes