Just then a flurry of flames appeared behind Gexln.Al stepped out looking, not like the heartless he was, but alot like the person he used to be with minor changes as to be expected with age.He looked around cautiously."So......what did I miss?"
OOC:ignore my post then but for god sake someone plz post and try to quit fighting
As Cloak surveyed the scene beside Spider-Man, they talked among each other and decided.Spider-Man swung down as Cloak teleported.Spider-Man grabbed Sam and the Wave tossing them into the air torwards Cloak.Spider-Man began fending off Tremor as Cloak teleported Sam and the Wave away.They reappeared in a desert in Nevada. Spider-Man glared at Tremor. "This is our fight now lets finish it!"
They never said it would be live action now did they? It could be seriously epic like one of the final fantasy movies! Don't judge so harshly before enough info is released.
Please :((((
:guns:Xigbar of Course!:ninjacat:
We're starting a thread here so you can post ideas and stuff you want to say or would like to see in the podcast.If you want a shoutout we'll give you one on the show.And we are starting to expand so if you have any ideas for that then tell us here! :)
:( then can i at least say there is a link to buy the shirts on the youtube page on th thread?
But its part of the description! Most people wont go to the youtube page to see the link so i put it there.
..........fine ill email or something
OOC:*facepalms* fighting.......again..... *sigh* BIC:Spider-Man swung up onto a tall building getting a good vantage point to plan out his strategy.
If it's inappropriate, then don't link it.[/QUOTE] I was gonna inbox it to them not post it on here......
so you do or dont want a link?
If you really want to know ill inbox you a link XDDDD
IT's a scavenger hunt!
http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?111247-NYANnYANNYANNYANNYANNYAN U MAd? YOU SHOULDNT BE! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?111246-Don-t-Stop-Me-now!!! NYANNyaNNYANYANNYAN! www.nyanicorn.com
One of the threads has a prize........can you find it?
http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?111245-I-m-on-a-roll! DON"T STOP Me NOW!! PAARTY OOOON!!!