...I'm speechless...This is so amazing...*passes out again*
Jayn, you sound so amazing! *passes out from the awesomeness*
Cookiie, how can your Japanese be so good? *-* I'm always a total fail when trying to sing/speak in Japanese. -_-' You sound so Kawaii~!!
Wow, everyone sounds so great!
At first I remember I hated and was actually afraid of Larxene (all the Namine abuse in Chain of Memories) but then after awhile I came to respect and quite like Larxene. She's definintely not afraid to speak her mind and to me she's just kind of like that awesome b*tch that does what she wants when she wants. She's kind of cool in that way. And then that laugh...I have a bit of a thing for psychotic laughs. Hehe. <3 So I suppose I can see why someone would hate her, but then at the same time I can see why people would absolutely love her aswell.
So here's a little vid from me! I apologize that the quality is so bad and that it's not widescreen. YT really...
I don't think there's really any lines left, so I suppose I'll just do the black lines. ^^ I actually just watched the movie yesterday, so it's fresh in my mind! I haven't watched it for years! Such beautiful memories...*tears come to eyes* xD But I'll just sing the black lines this time around.
I'll take Kimi ga iru kara plz! And I'll be mixing it myself. ^^
Great job you two! :D The contrast between your voices sounds really good, it helps keep your attention. I really love this! <3 .....I think I actually might like it a bit better than the original! xD
After doing a bit of brainstorming, I came up with a couple of good Halloween songs! ^.^ Spoiler: Show Spoiler Emilie Autumn - Dead is The New Alive Spoiler: Show Spoiler Jonathan Coulton - Creepy Doll
Yay! I can't wait to see the full thing when it's out! I'm sure it'll be amazing! :'D And I'm also curious about what the 'suprises' will be. And maybe slightly afraid...should I be afraid? xD
This looks great guys! All the editors who took part in this are so talented. :D It's really too bad I missed sign-ups this year, I really wish I could've participated too. :'( But great job everyone!
I'm so happy to hear there'll finally be an HD remake! :D Now I have even more reason to get a PS3. xD As long as Square Enix decides to release it in English that is......But even if they don't I'll probably still buy it. I would still understand what was going on since it is a remake and we know the story already, unless they decided to add in some random plot twist, but I highly, highly, HIGHLY doubt they will do that. But I am definitely looking forward to this game coming out!
I'm definitely going to participate! :D Hehe, I'm always looking for a good excuse to make an AMV. Especially when it's about my most favourite series of all time. One question though, is there any time limit? (ex. 20 seconds - 5 minutes) I'm guessing that there isn't, but I thought I would check to make sure. :)
This is really fantastic! :D Your fandubs always make me really curious about what's going to happen next in the series, gets me thinking. :) I'm slightly dissapointed I didn't get in, but oh well I suppose! There's always next time! The fandub really did turn out great though.
I'll do part 4, 5, 10, 12, and 27. :) I absolutely love this song! XD
Just sent in my audition for Xion and Kairi! :D
I am present! ^^ I wonder what the activities will be..?
Oh no! I don't want the wonderful staff to be headless! >.< Sign me up as a single! This is kind of entertaining.....I was actually just reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland a couple of minutes ago....
Hmmmm.....mine seems to vary each day....ooh! I know! It's glurpver! That would be green, blue, purple, and silver all mixed into one color. I should totally invent that color. That would be epic. xD