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  1. Te Deum
    (complete the sentence)
    Thread by: Te Deum, Jul 5, 2012, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Te Deum
    (complete the sentence)
    Thread by: Te Deum, Jul 5, 2012, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Te Deum
    (complete the sentence)
    Thread by: Te Deum, Jul 5, 2012, 34 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Te Deum
    Thread by: Te Deum, Jul 5, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Te Deum
    No, really, I think it'll do us all a some good. We need to learn to be polite.

    I just want you to know that when I saw that notification, I hit the ceiling and I bet you I **** my pants so hard, there's a newly blasted hole in the Pacific, and water is rushing to the core of the Earth as I write this.
    Thread by: Te Deum, Jul 5, 2012, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Te Deum
    Here, we write down (in descriptive detail) our dreams, if you remember them from when you were asleep.

    There are no rules, just write what you remember. You can add on to your dream for entertainment, or to fill in blanks.

    Good luck.
    Thread by: Te Deum, Jun 28, 2012, 32 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Te Deum
    You WISH you had Publix
    Thread by: Te Deum, Jun 27, 2012, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Te Deum
    There. It's done. Now this trend can die.
    Thread by: Te Deum, Jun 27, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Te Deum
    My dog just yelled at me to get a job D: and there are ****ing snakes in my toilet

    And I still am able to write coherently what is this I don't even
    Thread by: Te Deum, Jun 27, 2012, 26 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Te Deum
    Since there are some contrasting views, please give your input.

    I, personally, enjoy dubstep. Recently, it has become somewhat overrated, I admit. But I still continue to enjoy it, mostly because I love a good beat. And the lyrics of mainstream music today I just can't stand, so I'd rather listen to music without lyrics.

    Thread by: Te Deum, Jun 25, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Music
  11. Te Deum
    and I hear this kid tell his friends

    "I hear there's this band called Dubstep. The lead singer's some dude named Skrillex."
    Thread by: Te Deum, Jun 25, 2012, 37 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Te Deum
    I thought that maybe it should say "Posts count at a certain number of characters."
    Thread by: Te Deum, Jun 23, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  13. Te Deum
    Love? Or Confusion? Reality? Contusion? Subterranea or Sub-fusion. The Quest begins. A Man, A Mystery – A Saint? A Sod? Were all made for this life? Some give, some receive. But Dan Treacy smiles. Someone’s missing. But Who? and Why? Just A thought? A Feeling? ……. The Natives go all Dance-hall Stomp as something strange in the water forces a Flash time Strobo-cop emanation of the will. Delusion Extrusion. I found a whistle. Hope. Reassurance. The bogey-man Triumph of the Plastic surf totem. The motion of Notions. Spells & potions. Siberian Breaks. A Pop Surf Opera, after the storm, the loss of Ego. Breakers on the Beach. Hangin Ten with the Hodads. Distraction. Then Sandy Smiles as the Sun Squints its way. A new day. Cleansed. Ready. Surf’s Up! Piss or pass the Pot. A Smile Sent out. A wink & chuckle. The Mystery of time. The Air Traffic controller of ssSound and ssSpace and ssSubterfuge. The Mind falters. Questioning. Looking for answers. Lock-loop images stray into fluorescing cotton candy crimes. Impervious. Then, the Release. A Primal Scream for the How Generation. More DaDa than Gaga. More Drinking than Thinking. Less Arty than Party. Time takes a rain-check. Congratulations. The Half-arsed Hugs of routine celebrations. Realisations. Random Aging……. A World in tatters? Glitter that matters? The hollow victory. And then Sleep……
    Thread by: Te Deum, Jun 23, 2012, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Te Deum
    Thread by: Te Deum, Jun 17, 2012, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Te Deum

    I cannot stooooooooooopppppppppp
    Thread by: Te Deum, Jun 17, 2012, 28 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Te Deum

    Now all I need is someone to bring.
    Thread by: Te Deum, Jun 17, 2012, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Te Deum

    I need

    a woman


    I can't deal with this cheap ass MetroPCSHIIIIIT phone when it's dropping calls left and right.

    Someone recommend me a new phone plan.
    Thread by: Te Deum, Jun 5, 2012, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Te Deum
    So I stayed back at my little cousin's middle school to help my old science teacher. She just happened to be teaching her kids the Human Growth and Development section of the curriculum. And I heard this conversation.

    Teacher: This is why the condom is one of the contraception devices that is most effective.

    Kid: Excuse me, Mrs. D?

    Teacher: Yes, Joey?

    Kid: Why do they call condoms "Trojans"? Why not the Spartans? Nothing gets past the Spartans.
    Thread by: Te Deum, May 25, 2012, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Te Deum
    You guys have probably heard about this already. If not:


    This doesn't really affect me (due to the fact that I own a PS3, and not and Xbox 360). For those who do, I wouldn't be worried. This decision won't pass without a fight from the consumers. Just like SOPA and PIPA.
    Thread by: Te Deum, May 23, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: Gaming
  20. Te Deum

    Heyyy guysss

    am i a scary guy to you? weirdish at all?
    Thread by: Te Deum, May 15, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone