OF COURSE I MEAN THAT!!!!!!!!!! and i rly owe u cuz dis is like the sweetest thing any one of da forum has done for me so here is a box of chocolates * gives big box of chocolates* and here is ....* gives big friendly hug and friendly kiss on da cheeck* thanks ur awesome!!!!
thanks i couldnt stay away 2 long 4rm a rly great friend :D
Thanks A lot everyone rly i've given all of you rep well most of you since i gotta go for a bit but once i'm back i'll make sure u all get rep :)
AWWWWWWWW thanks everyone you guys are awesome and well i'm back but i'm not in the best of moods cuz i've had i don't know i guess a disagreement with my friends well more like friend :( but anyway i'm sure something here will cheer me up cuz all da people on this forum are like so totally cool and thanks tummer for this thread :) well mister tummer is just doing something nice and i really appreciate it
hmm....anything by simple plan really
hiya now this is only viry and yeah look at my sig cuz i do!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so yeah go on a lot kk
well i fell and hurt my leg but only cuz i kept tripping a lot
okay today is friday the 13 and your suppose to have bad luck so has any one had bad lcuk yet? or do you even beleive in it? i don't really beleive in it but i've tripping all day so i don't know maybe it is bad luck....
hmm.. seems like a lot of people like coke or pepsi but not me i really aint a fan of dark soda i perfer sprite or like i said pina colada
r u f****** serious that just sucks
i'm kinda new so um y was he banned? dat was a really sad vid
i don't rly know u but maybe
lol all right den :)
anything really its just wat do u find more appealing
what do you perfer chocolate or strawberry?
ithink its kinda weird but okay at least iget it ithink....
wow!!! congrats that really is amazing
funny keep the threads going they're just plain funny and amusing
ummm... i don't get it :P
all rite :)