Heyyyy, if you like Nightvale you should listen to this :) http://geeklyinc.com/category/sayer/page/4/
Spoiler: Weird stuff; don't read if sensitive I guess If you think Norse God origins are weird just remember that Shu and his wife/sister, Tefnut, were created from Ra ... masturbating in some myths.
League of Legends Does anyone know a way I can get in contact with Jayn pretty fast? I know someone who's interest in her music for a project.
What ghost up must come down
If I rode the ghost of a horse would that make me a ....ghost rider? *insert sunglasses*
Guys! I just realized that since my username is ghost I have an excuse to make stupid ghost puns XD
Yeah, I miss 5d's :(
You're not far enough yet
- STAR WARS!!!!!!!! (does Misty play SWTOR?) - star wars - STarWarzzZz!!!!! - *star wars theme* - starwars........ - The female part is a little underwritten - Yay! More lady characters (>////<) - BB-8 is a gift from the gods I still haven't seen the trailer yet, and even time I try I end up not doing it (not sure why though). The theaters are going to be packed when this comes out. all of the back seats are going to be taken :( Chewie and Han, though!!!!!! Spoiler: This is probably what he was thinking
This almost got my in trouble with the librarian :(
Idk, something about a fight on Monday.
I just finished reading To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee for the first time. It was more more interesting than I thought it was going to be.
Can I use this one? >///<
So our whole school's convinced there's going to be a shooting tomorrow. The parents even got emails from the school. :|
Can anyone recommend a SWTOR server in the next 5 minutes?
You're being vague, I'm not sure how to answer :'( I'm watching a lot of things right now
Congratulations! Was it you're first one?
Mobile Suit Gundam 00, if we're still talking about gundam. If not I've watched a whole lot of cartoons in the past 4 months if you have any you're watching.