I'm too young to understand this :\
Thank you :)
This one resonates with my soul I honestly asked myself this question one time
So i burned myself with hot glue a few times the other day and i got burn blisters, do they go away on their own?
Mostly poster distraught, if there's a five below near you they probably have AoU movie posters for 5 dollars (that's happy felling making stuff )
What if you don't know how to ride a bike
~ Bad Amaury. Too many words.
I'm sorry! I'm just an innocent child ! :'(
Eww. Exercise.
Hulu and Netflix
My mom said I'm too young to have skills and jobs :|
It's cool, man. That's just how I am :P
Ohhh, I see. I don't know anything about Silent Hill, so I was like whaaaat (maybe I should just stop typing now lol)
Okay, I just wasn't sure :P