The Zack from Bones, not the Final Fantasy Zack. But anyway, you should still watch Daredevil. Tell me if it's good.
Was ... really a thing?
Yeah... I miss that one too :( (you're bringing up so many bad memories, man)
I miss Zack
You can't run in water, you just slosh around oddly
This sounds like too much work :\
As far as you know
I need an adult
Jayn's been gone for awhile so she probably won't answer.
You're face is icky. :P(jk)
Wonder Man is not the hero we want, but the hero we deserve
Alcohol is icky
It is truly the end times
I wanna play. I'm not creative enough to offer any ideas and I haven't rp'd in forever but it sounds like fun!
it made me sad :(
I think you mean the Wonder Boy
Texas Governor said we don't have to make up any school days.