I think not... They're will probably be only in BBS...
Twilight for me too! Strong defensive light magic with powerful dark attack, absolutly perfect!!!
Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooo and welcome back!!!
Hi and welcome!
Hi, nice to meet you and welcome back!
Hey you look funny! Anyway welcome to KHV and remember to read the rules! LET'S DO A BARREL ROLL TOGETHER YEAAAAAAAAAH!!!
Hi and welcome back!
Welcome to KHV!!! Read the rules, don't spam and have fun!
Welcome and...uhm well...you know the rest
My favourite pokèmon is Eevee and its evolutions! EVOLUTION POWER RULEZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!! Anyway my favourite pokèmon game is Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon Blue Version! Is too funny be a pokèmon!!!
Hi and welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay! Seeya!!!
Hi and welcome to KHV! Have a lot of fun, stay active as much as you can and, of course, follow the rules! See you around!!!
Another thread about the Org. XIII favourite member...anyway my favourite member is Roxas!
I think the masked guy is the Master Xehanort's Souless(Souless is the name of BBS enemy if I'm not wrong) and Xehanort, the one found by Ansem the Wise, is some kind of reincarnation of MX after his probably defeat in BBS. Also, I don't think Ven is Sora's father. They have some kind of connection but it isn't a relationship.
Hi and welcome! Read the rules, don't spam and have a lot of fun!!! See ya around!
Hallo and welcome!
Helloooooo and welcome to KHV! Read the rules, don't spam and have a lot of fun!!! See ya around!
Hi and welcome to KHV! I hope you enjoy your stay!!!
There are also some Boss Battles in Multiplayer Mode!:yelling: