Irxa looked at Ren, "this is the second time i have done this ya'know." she said to him, She found a clearing and laided him down. Irxa shook her head and said "why do male vampires always gets into fights?" She sat down beside Ren and listened to the breeze.
what type of music do they play? i've might of heard of them before, somewhere.
death solves everything, :D anyways if you go out go with someone older and stronger than your ex and then... shoot him with the shot gun.
i would say larxene, Axel acts too soft, he must harden up!! XD
lol, i wonder what type of puppy Saix was, Carry on going!!
YAY!!! i'm... I'm... I'm bored?!?
lol, i'm not having a big christmas so i don't need to worry about it, not one will be buying presents for me >.<
May i ask why are you saying good morning to everyone, when over here it is the afternoon? and think i'm okay! :D i drew a cloud and sephiroth, YAY go me! they aren't that good though >.< , me going to post it here in a min :D
Lol, Welcome to KHV, listen to the staff, read the rules, post alot, and HAVE FUN!! *hands a cookie* here have a cookie!! XD
*Runs in with bandage around head* i ran into the lampost, and it hurts :'(
Sophia smiled and said, "remember when we first met? i drenched you in water."
Sophia gazed up into the sky.
OOC: okay BIC: Irxa jumped down from the tree, "hi mace." she said as she landed behind Esal, "mr. hunter." she said and picked up Ren, slung his arm around her neck and jumped back into the trees. Kobal entered the city, with a document in his hand, "so Esal's the local hunter?" he asked himself, Kobal was only going to check if the vampires had managed to get into the city and to see if Esal needed Back up.
*helps sis up,* you should stop running into the doors, if you going to run into doors you have to do it properly; like this *runs in to the door and flips backwards* see?
*pulls out screwdriver and removes the door's screws* i knew that would come in handy XD
i think most people here can read that.
Have you lost your marbles, sis? this door is like steel, *hands kxr a tissue* MUM!!!
Where did i put that knife? *searchs for knives* oh yeah here it is, *pulls out knive and throws them at dusks* i think mum wants us.
Welcome to KHV, read the rules, have fun and listen to the staff, okay? OH yeah have fun!