lol *glares at coffee* how come i didn't get one? *puppy eyes*
*bobs head up and down to a rubbish song* from paris to berlin.... okay... i'm dead and back to haunt the living people!!
i can't believe i'm going to say this but YES!! i normally stay at the RPG area and family forum... so ye i can survive without the spamzone!
cool, so i'm talking to myself XD, the first signs of madness!!
*giggles* funny *watchs GIF on sig* sis, your a great artist may i say?
oh... *pokes* but you're not as hard as a seashell...
cool, so you're a shadow???
bye, bye!! see you later!!
i will how my tongue about coffee, *bites tongue* ouwwww, that hurt :'(
Sophia looked at cliff then saw the village, "nearly dawn, lord Cliff." She said smiling.
*walks in* er... sorry, wrong thread, Hi sis, nice sig!!
Sophia smiled and wondered on.
Good bye... *waves* have a nice life,
lol, *runs around* i'm hyper i just drank a whole bottle of coke!!! (i think)
hum... i understand Exile theory but like TKM said that there was the soul not the mind then TMM said... this is confusing, i think i agree with themuffinman, it could be completely new O.O
dude, it looks like you have to much time on your hands, :D
i'm probably still a n00b, i feel bad >.<
It can't be a nobody or a heartless, umm yeah your link doesn't work, :P
morning all!! *looks at watch* argh!! its 11:26 am!!! i should be somewhere else!! *runs home* >.< i forgot i am home.
*claps* well done, sis, your comic is great!! *reps*