Sophia grinned at Michael when he had came back, "it works?"
OOC: ren is with Irxa... Mace is the one being attacked :lol: BIC: Irxa 'gazed' Down at Ren and asked, "you can control water, right?" Kobal watched Mace, taking mental notes.
oh... i wonder how Kairi is doing.
Sophia walked up the Michael, "do you feel this bad feeling? through the wind i mean," Sophia again looked up into the sky "those dark clouds aren't normal." she said.
nothin much or i'm missing something, lol, bro what is Sora doing to you?
OOC: maybe the Arrow has a hole running through it and it is filled with explosives, and it reacts with the air... i dunno...
"my lord, it will take half a day to get to Vilgust." one of the warriors shouted, Kretsen grinned, "i know, but we will arrive there at night." he said, the warrior nodded, knowing that Kretsen was planning to attack some villages on the way. Sophia looks up the Sky and saw heavy grey rainclouds, "se herk oe lonti, tear al otej, se teh osmend anoesj." she muttered.
OOC: lets just say Kretsen has already summoned all the elemental demons. BIC: A scout ran up to Kretsen and said, "the keldon village, Vilgust, is built over it, the door to hell, and the great demon must be there." Kretsen grinned and shouted, "we shall fly there." The Seventh league nodded and pulled off their exo-skeleton, now they stood on four legs, lizard/ lion creature with ripped bat wings, The league of the Shadows stepped forward and got onto one of them and flew into the Sky, Kretsen jumped onto Pryo and also flew into the sky, followed by the demons and the league. Sophia stood up and look at Cliff, "looks like life is going to get worse." she said. OOC: sorry i had to bring in Vilgust, i'll post what the demon's look like on my first post, okay?
PaW *hugs* sorry i'm hugging everyone. lol, temp short for temporary? am i right?
i love it! there is something missing but i don't know what that something is >.< , i'll post later when i find it.
thanks i love it, *reps*
*walks in* i drew a pic of my cat and add wings it looks so cute!! *hugs mum* hiya everyone!
Magick by the klaxons... don't ask
tonks, Vexen would be snogging the book instead of a rock... Sora + roxas = dating yourself Roxas + olette = okay, i think Riku + kairi = okay but sora will be mad Sora + kairi = great couple Riku + Sora = what the hell! Sora + Xemnas = a complete no-no
ha, its even... i have heard MCR more than blink so my vote goes to MCR...
me got to go to bed, night night!! *hugs everyone* give mum a hug for me will you? Coco your drawing is very good, i like it even more when it is coloured in! nighty-night
*answers to the echo* helllllloooo??? wwwwwhhhhoooo issss iiiitttt?
Welcome to KHV, read ze rules, have fun, post loads and listen to the staff!
see ya' around , why is everyone leaving?
*appears out of nowhere then falls on the floor * i need to pratice that >.< what have i missed, ma family?