*axel looks at me strangely and disappears* FINE THEN DISAPPEAR IN MY FACE TO THE ORGANIZATION! really people nower days, cool look dusks! *Dusks surround everyone.* er... a game of beat the dusks up, anyone?
maybe we could ask Axel*waves at axel* axel do you know the way out of here?
*hands a cookie to star* here ya go, *hears mum* hey, bro, sis! mum is calling us!
sis, i think mum went, but i have cookies! what does it mean bro?
Wait for ME!!!! *runs after then like an idiot* this closet business reminds me to much of narnia, i think thats how you spell it.
*grabs knife* they say knifes are bad for you, then why do we use them for cooking?
they say gaint snakes and spiders live down there. *carries on eating the cupcake* mum! how did you make these cupcakes!?!
*crys* its not my fault, *eats cupcake & grins* yummy
OOC: ye, its on the other page BIC: Irxa sighed and stood up, "i thought only bullets would kill normal vampires." she said to herself, Wait, wasn't Ren there? Irxa thought. OOC: should i pick ren up and hide?
*passes a cupcake* taste it then, don't think mum poisoned them.
Irxa, wondered if she should go or stay. OOC: can i start using my other character??
*raises hand* can i have one, or two? pretty please with a cherry on top, XD i remember saying that when i was little.
Irxa started a strong breeze, to keep the area free from gas. "you lazy hunter." she muttered.
Username: true darkness Character: susake Render (If you have one): Text (Optional): cursed Size (Optional. Default: 400 X 150): Background (Optional): Abstract Splattering A or B, depends which one looks better. please and thanks before hand.
Hum... it could talk about the keyblade, other stuff and maybe about mickey *shrugs* i dunno, all guess work.
Well, looks like i'm going to be here a long time *sighs* never mind, i'll enjoy it i hope.
OOC: >.< lol
OOC: a gas bomb will affect everyone are you sure you want to do that? XD