it might be jokered. if not, you did it wrong and proably reversed it and gave anti sora normal soras model.
got 65290
10,990 points 14,430
Quick! post 300 times while hes distracted!
i couldnt think of another number like that so i used BASE oh 4418 4 strength 4 stam leather belt level 18 1.
Neku, add me, my pearl friend code is 1337 9001 BASE 1.
16. nekus here, were screwed.
9 / 10
Have fun with that.
4 Bam!
You instantly win for having GTA, MGS, GoW and Killzone Go buy god of war II. Right now.
Non S/E No square, no enix, no squaresoft, no squre - enix
I downloadd this today, havent played it yet. anybody else have it, and any comments?
Sing for us!
NON Square Enix. chrono trigger is made by Square (one of the best games ever to)
Cloud vs. Sephiroth is possible. Any Boss vs. Boss is possible right now, as long as the AI isnt overloading and freezing (so that means no Org XIII ultimate battle, sorry)
Oh i was thinking of a PSP there for a second lol.
It takes about half the time on Subsistance with the new camera and Th. Goggles
Oh really? Nevermind then. And i dont need help with anything, but i saw alot of posts saying ask neku and i didnt see you there.
There will be a WLAN switch on the DS, the Wii will probably have it built it, and youll need to buy a wireless router.