ill get you guys some in game screenshots, hold on. Screenshots Source: Xendran <3
In Canada =D You americans have funny laws of age 21 and stuff.
Thats strange, because with me i never even had to get the email from the site before i could post.
Im on the Royale Noir theme of windows XP
Hell, ive been gunned down before i even chose my weapons, (the stupid game spawns you before it asks for your weapons choice)
Finally, an easier way to make fun of people fighting over voice chat on resistance.
When i was on MGO, i attempted to get up on a high area and snipe with the tranq sniper, and i got gunned down the second i spawned, so i gavew up on my tranq only method, and still i got gunned down in seconds, so i gave up.
19 .
...the hell? no HTML for you D:
Thats not what Xendran told me.
Finally, rock band isnt going to be the only game with in game xmb message box.
Snake is on my tv right now, killing himself with the Mk. II
West philadelphia?
Walk Idiot Walk - The Hives
Under these circumstances, youd think asking about the rep system was allowed. it was the music video for heart shaped box
Maybe... not much though.
You could always try Killzone
No, a drum set that doesnt have peices snap off. And hopefully, a better bass pedal