I used to lurk here alot.
Yeah, i spend WAY too much time playing kh games. Max levels and 100% completion on all of them ftw.
KH1: 100 KH Final Mix: 100 Kh Com sora: 100 KH COM Riku: 100 Kh2: 99 Kh2 Final Mix +: 99 Re: CoM Sora: 99 Re: CoM Riku: 99
Thats really sketchy and laggy.
Im changing my list D: 1. Roxas 2. CFF 3. Swordser 4. KairiNamine 5. Boris the Blade
Its not advertising unless you give out the link in text.
Avvy: 7/10 Sig1: 7.5/10 Sig 2: 8/10
Canada is epic win.
No, i got an 80gig, i see them in stores. And we KNOW not everybody has a ps3. Thats why if you read the whole post, he said they are trying to make more people get ps3's by making it platform exclusive, makign your comment about not everybody having ps3's totally useless. /comment
1. Xendran 2. Catch the Rain 3. Ghetto (lmao) 4. Me =D *shot* 5. uhhhhh......
I didnt like that joke at all.
Press the green button QUICK!!! almost got me
20,371 so far.
Passed it.
70% wont get you a pass. if you pass teh song youll probably have at least 80%
Avvy: 10/10 Sig: 12/10
"Certain Sources" Told me it was the 11th >.>
Oh yeah you also forgot guitar is fun. so is bass. so is vocals. If drums were the only fun part, why does guitar have the most number of players >.> And the drumkit is pretty small compared to World Tour. By the way, Zune is definately the best choice
Fresh price of bel-air