11:46am, still havent gone to bed
Meh she wont see the thread anyways, i was just bored.
GET ONLINE! I needz to talkz to ya about stuffs. You probably already know what im going to say?
Time is Running Out - Muse
The first Jak wasnt a shooter.
No big deal.
I dont really have a best friend. i have a few friends though (i think....)
The rock band 1 songs being on isnt HMX confirmed, and is speculation, because of the fact that its unfair to rb1 owners. Also, all the articles about it are bassed off the IGN one, so its not 10 different sources. And if it turns out to be true, it will most likely be a 58 pack priced at 39.99 or 49.99, not free. because if it was free they would again have problems with the people who paid for RB1
Uhhhhhhhh..... Cant think of anybody
That boy needs therapy!
i was talking about flamedancer btw
Your a girl? ._.
Dance Commander, we love you http://youtube.com/watch?v=of2WzZx9AhA&feature=related
Pepper grinder ftw
Level Up
The answer is Scissors guys. c'mon
FF7 Reference destroyed by user: Saint Nick
This guy are sick.