I gotta go now, my phones almost dead
*sadface* that's sad
Well you do now! :D
Okay! Later!
I see. My brother hangs out with the guys and occasionally we'll join them because they like to play superheroes and they always need girls.
Getting ready to see a play
Hmmm... I guess the competitions stiffer than I thought. :P
Yeah, my sister and I stick together and sometimes complain about how rude the rest of our family is.
Very good, how bout you?
Laguna- no. You want it?
Then you win the manliness award! :P
Laguna- I'm not eating either.... anymore. (Pushes away his fillet of fish)
Yeah, same. The girls closest to my age on my dads side are prissy little... fill in the blank. I usually just hang with my sister
Well I cry a lot when it comes to movies, TV, books, and video games. Not much at reality.
Laguna- Squall, do you hate me?
I know! It made me cry! (I can be such a girl)
Oh I see. But you get along with them?
I don't think it was ever specifically mentioned in the game, but Squall is Raine's son and there are hints, so I think you're just supposed to...
Oh I know! I was surprised.
Laguna- * I wonder how little kids like me so much when my own son hates me. Am I really that bad a person?*