Lawl I'm sleepy. Catch ya later
Laguna- *I wonder if Squall knows that Lightning is into him.*
Demy- this is fantastic. Vexen- *sarcastically* no kidding.
My brother included :P My brother is almost exactly like Zell. I find it rather fantastic
Oh I see. :P I'm currently stuck on the 3rd disc. I have the PS version
Demy- Lawl Vexen- why?
Laguna- no need to get snappy, Light...
Awww that sucks. How far did you get?
Vexen- go mess with Sora's memories. Demy- or sing!
Laguna- I have a machine gun.
My ex used to play FF8 at my house, and he named Rinoa BADASS and her dog ASSBAD. He irritated me, to say the least.
Laguna- what about Rinoa?
Oh I see! :) that's silly
Music is incredibly important to me. Music helped me mature, it helped me get over many many sad points in my life, and it helped me to be myself. Music is my life- being in choir helped me make friends when I moved to a new city, real friends, not the fake ones I started out with. Music helped me get over that too. Just listening to music- whether it has lyrics or instrumental- singing or even humming along helps make me happy.
Heyyy. I like her. Shes kinda plain, but shes sweet too.
I know! Its sadness! Denzel and Marlene are Laguna's best friends! :P
Hi! I'm back
Laguna- so you don't hate me?! *HOPE!*
It was based off of Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blight if you've ever heard of that
That was pretty difficult. Took me 4 tries. I gotta go now cuz my phones gonna die