Sora- how do we get there? Ooooo!!!! Can I call Donald and Goofy to pick us up in the gummi ship?! Vexen- fine. *finds Saïx* what.
Laguna- *enters* heyyy.... I got lost on the way back from McDonalds... *why do I ALWAYS get lost?*
Sora- fiiiiine. Where do we begin our quest?
I'll probably watch it when it comes out on dvd. I gotta go again, I got stuff to deal with
Welcome to KHV!
Sora- aww! But shes our friend!
Is that any good? I'm afraid to try it
Sora- awww! Why not?
Ohmygawd it was fantastic! A bit long, but worth it!! (I'm gonna be fan-girling for a few days...)
Awesome! Gotta go now, I'm watching the new batman
That's cool! With the cape and everything?
Ohhhhh okay
Leon- I don't really want to... Sora- good.
Sora- YAYYYY!!!! :=D: Can we invite Kairi this time?
Laguna- I've met Cloud, and he's more like you than Zack, Squall.
I like the cowboy hat :) Is that a costume you have to unlock? I haven't played the actual story very much. Just battle mode
I just started watching Dr. Who a month or so ago on Netflix. I just started season 4 and I love it so much! My favorite episodes are "The Empty Child" "The Doctor Dances" and "Blink". I like the creepier ones. :P My favorite character is Captain Jack. =D
Laguna- I don't care! Did you take anything?
I know right? Lol I think she's wearing her Nibelheim guide outfit on my game.
Vexen- as long as it doesn't involve munny or stripping.