Lol niiice. I should probably work on getting my liscense too. Ya'know, since I haven't gotten behind the wheel of a car since October....
Leon- poor thing was so corruptible when I found him...
Laguna- hey! I can see again! Lightning!!!
Oh I know. my plan is to take a couple years of community college so I can get math and French done before leaving anyway, so we'll see how this goes
Laguna- aw man! I can't see! On the bright side, this song sure is catchy... (humming along)
That was my thought too. It all depends on where we decide to go to college, too. I wanna go out of state, she might be better off close to home....
Laguna- yep. You gotta put those away. (Takes guns) *aw man. Kids aren't ever this difficult...*
Shes going to be a sophomore. But sometimes when we go shopping or whatever, people ask if were twins and we kinda go along with it because we...
Laguna- *wonder why they left me in charge...*
Laguna- right.... (turns to Lightning) sooooo.... *ah crap.* whats going on, Lightning? Why font you put that down?
Same here. Aaand my best friend is my sister. So I don't wanna like... move out or anything. Its lame, but shes the only one who shares in...
Laguna- uhm, do you want me to stay here with her?
I don't even feel like I'm old enough to be a senior. I'm legally an adult in January and I feel like I should be a silly little freshman for the...
Laguna- uhmm. Yes. BUT she was trying to make them take peoples wallets. Wait. ZACK! And Squall! They were there too! Yeah! That's right! I was talking to Zack.... I think I told him to bring the kids back here when they were done playing. Yeah..... something like that.
Yeah, but I'm SO not ready for graduation. I'm freaking out, really. Id love to just get another year of high school just so I don't have to think...
Ahhhh. Junior year was fun for me. Probably would've been average for anybody else, but my underclassmen years were terrible. Hopefully this year...
Laguna- uhhhhh..... they aren't with you?
No fair! You get to start in September... hmm. Are you gonna be a senior or?
Sora- phew! I can only imagine the things Cid would say if you two were all beat up.
Alright. I may not be on as much either at least during the day, cuz I'm working on a project that's taking up my time. And then school starts...