It is a bit, but its not like khv anymore. I prefer how it used to be, personally.
I think that keeping an open mind and taking an interest in something is nothing to be ashamed of. Especially if you still stay true to the stuff you love. But if you have to lie and then force a bunch of music or whatever on yourself that you wouldn't or don't like just so that a guy/girl will like you, its not worth it. I dated who made me listen to a bunch of music I NEVER would've listened to on my own, which was fine, because I ended up liking it, but he hated the kind of music I did like, so I deleted all of it from my mp3, started only watching the type of movies HE liked, etc. That was bad because now I realize I would've been okay if I had been honest with him, and I wouldn't have had to put myself down for liking the stuff that I liked. I don't know how this turned into a post about me, but I hope it helps. Or whatever.
I am having trouble adapting.
You're very welcome!
Same here.... like what is this?!
Vexen- you want me to team up with YOU? I'm not on Marluxias side because I hate him, but I hate YOU equally as much and I refuse to be in the middle of all this. Demy- because, Marly, he probably is. He doesn't like you. Sora- yayyyyy!!!! :=D:
Laguna- Lightning... sheesh... did you do all that? Man, you are fantastically violent.
Leon- doesn't explain why YOURE not. Sora- are you guys gonna talk about grown up stuff?
Laguna- (out hunting monsters) *this kinda reminds me of my days back at Winhill, protecting everybody from these things Only this time, there's no Raine. Dammit, Laguna! Stop thinking about it! Think about... the kids! Denzel and Marlene. They're such great kids. Kinda like Ellone. Ellone... Damn!* OWW! My leg! Lightning help!
Thanks for being the first person to understand and not make fun of me, even though technically you don't know the whole story. I appreciate it...
Laguna- when did she- nevermind. Okay, yes, lets go kill some monsters and ONLY monsters, okay?
Laguna- I MEANT a new hobby. Like.... stamp collecting! No violence in that!
Laguna- (throws his hands in the air) that's all? Fantastic! We just need to find you a hobby!!!
Yeah. I really just gotta get over it though
Laguna- 2or 5... yeah, okay, that's a good start and LIGHTNING WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" (grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her)
Leon- oh what do you know? Sora- you guys know I'm still here, right?
Long story.... long story short I hit the gas instead of the break. Epic fail on my part. Now I'm scared to drive
Laguna- you were passed out! I'm sorry! I looked for smelling salts but I couldn't even find any soap! How much did you drink?!
Laguna- awwww man! Not good! How am I gonna wake her up? (Looks around the bar) doesn't Tifa have any soap? (Fills a glass of water) shes gonna kill me if she wakes up from this.... (splashes Lightning in the face with cold water)