Heros- I'm guessing Laguna Loire (FF8) is reserved for me, right? :P I also want Rory Williams (Doctor Who) May add more later, but right now, I don't want to overload myself. XD
Right back at ya! :P
Mine too now. Shes blaming me, even though they aren't contagious. :/
Just allergies, but it threw my voice out so singing is a problem
I was sick all day, but feeling better now.
Hiya! How you doing?
really? Thats so awesome. Are you gonna color or leave it like that?
:P I love it! So much detail!!!
Did you draw that? Its fantastic!
done and done! :)
Laguna in! Of course, like Laguna, I'm hopelessly lost. Can you direct me to the Rp? Thannnnks!
I don't like it either. And I dislike the mobile version with a passion, I can't find ANYTHING grrrrrr
Hiya! What do you think of all the new-ness?
Definately! Plus hes British. So I adore him!
His name is Nick Gardner. He just got signed to Interscope records a few weeks ago. You should look him up on youtube, his voice is amazing!
Awesome!!! One of my favorite singers re-tweeted me! I almost died.
Lol awesome. I'm gonna add you to my watch as soon.ad I get my computer back!
To go along with the username? :P niceee
Cool! I will have to watch them then! XP
I noticed that. XD You found my DA account! I'm so happy!