Ha. Yeah, long time no see, eh? :P
Hey Cloud. I have a question.
I don't like this layout xD
No problem, I hardly check khv anymore anyway
Lawl xD
Sounds cool
Yeah. There are only a few games I can stand. The KH and FF series, the Sims, and a SSX on tour (snowboarding). Those for PS/PS2 anyway. For Wii I...
1) I don't care too much for the plot of any of them, besides Dirge of Cerberus, and B) I suck at them so bad.
Eeew. First person shooting games... >.>
Just KH3.
Yeah. XD
Nahh, that's still happening. I wouldn't call him my true love, though. :P
I just downloaded all of the FF8 music onto my mp3 last night. I have found my true love and it is FF music.
You mean like today when we played speedball and my team ALLLLMOST won?
And now I am in bad mood. First, I get my phone taken away for truly NO REASON. Then this morning in P.E. my coach told us we were going to play...
Goodmood/badmood is probably from lack of sleep. Lack of sleep could be insomnia. I could take medication to make me sleep but then I feel like...
That's good to hear. Lately I've been in a goodmood/badmood randomly. Its odd. Also I haven't been sleeping.
Its going great! Besides schoolwork and grades, things are awesome. What about you?
Username- pipedownandlisten Character name- Laguna Loire Appearance- Media he is from- Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy Dissidia 012 Info - President of Esthar, ex-Galbadian soldier and warrior of Cosmos. Squall Leonhart's father.[DOUBLEPOST=1349027226][/DOUBLEPOST]Username- pipedownandlisten Character Name- Rory Williams-Pond Appearance - Media he is from- Doctor Who Info - He looks young, but he is actually hundreds of years old. He has a name, but people know him as the last Centurion. He is know to cheat death constantly. Married to Amy Pond.