Same deal with my family, boys outnumber girls. I'm the oldest girl and have 2 older direct cousins
Laguna- (listening)
I know right? Neil Patrick Harris is awesome
Well that sounds awesome. Do you have any your age? I have no girls my age and the guys aren't very nice to me.
Hey there! 'Son' :P
Wow, someone who's family is just as big as mine!
Laguna- (stops smiling + scratches his head) right... sorry. Still, that was kinda rude...
Ooh that does sound fun! Do you have a big family?
Its based on the movie Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog
Laguna- (sees Squall) SON! =D
That sounds awesome! I used to go up to a lake cabin with my friend during the summer. It was fantastic
Those black colored pencils never show up when I need them I keep losing mine. I'm getting ready to go see a play
Just getting ready to get snow cones, then I'm going to see a play
Laguna- sweet! This'll be just like an adventure!
You're welcome! Whats up?
Haha okay. Whats up?
Hi! I gotta say, your profile pic is gorgeous
Sorry I logged off before I got a chance to reply last night
Laguna- can I go to McDonalds too?!