"noy really..." Monique muttered looking away grumpily. "No good books, no one's willing to play a board game, and i swear if i see one more god damn horror film..."
"That can be arranged" Mellody reassured happily.
whos aind anything about getting anythign ON you?"
"Then i'll force you to"
"Then simply don't complain if he does and wear it for him"
"I have my methods..." Mellody smiled, putting a finger to her lip. "It all comes down to if you really wanna try it..."
"No, they're just plain sexy, and i bet Near'd agree, expecially if i told him i could get you in one"
"No, i'm simply here to make you, if only in the slightest, cuter for near."
"Yep, bet he'd love to see this!"
"But now you're blushing DEEPLY, i'm sure he'd find it adorable!"
"aww, if only i had a camera, i could show Near you're blush!"
"Aww, come on, if anything it'll attract Near."
"You are now officially part cat."
"You rolled across a bed?" Mellody asked blankly.
Mellody smiled reaching towards one of Lana's hands with waht would be a vice-like grip. "okay, you started it..."
"Hey, you don't wanna start!" Mellodyt warned smiling evily.
"You're not meant to." Mellody smiled poking her forehead playfully.
"I wouldn't be so doubtful if i were you..." Melldoy shrugged. "Anyway, this topics getting dull... what should we talk about now..?"
"Well, there is such a thing as a second attempt. like that old saying, if at first you don't succeed try try again."
"Well, whatever, fact remains, no one knows what goes through his mind."