ooc: sooo.. should i just leave it or what?
ooc: so, did i miss anyhting behind the scenes or something cause i don't know what's going on...
Dein nodded, shifting slighlty, and queitly stepping behind the nearest person to him, ignoring the smart remark.
"Not really..." Dein shrugged shifting slightly at the attention. "But, exactly what did we do to get ourselves here...?"
Dein raised his hand slightly, opting to ask a question in a similiar style he had in high school, but almost immediantly retracted his hand as he realised he had gone to do so...
My 'shock': somehow managed to crack my friends head open on a trampouline >_>
well, i can't see why not... where the hell is everyone?! O.o
in all honesty, i don't think the idea of a monster Sonic is all that good... why couldn't thay just use Dark Sonic from the anime or something? now it's just kinda... i dunno... overdone? ._. am i the only one who feels this way?
omfg, finally someone made one *hugs big D* thank you thank you thank you!
"Well, i don't know about the others, but i wasn't expecting him to have your shirt off so i figured what the hell."
"Well, no one else here seems to have issues with entering without knocking so yeah" Mellody shrugged. "Just how things work around here i guess."
"Why don't you just lock the door? i mean, you know how it is here unless the door's locked you're welcomed to come in..."
"Yes, but this can also be used against you, jsut remember that..."
"Well... all you have is hope Hon, and of course the ability to help them catch Kira: Mellody added smiling as she said it.
"And where do you think you're going?"
"Well, what kind of things?"
"there's gotta be more than just that."
"Soo, what's new there anyway?"
Mellody shrugged. "Well, whatever... back to the subject of you and Near..."
"There aren't unless i borrow some, and the hell if i'm doing that..." Mellody replied, stubbornly. "and do you have any idea how many horrors i've watched since then?"