"I bet it did" Monique agreed, pushing lana back towards her room.
Monique giggled along side her. "Well, we should at least get you nice clothes."
"Really?" Monique smiled getting slightly excited. "Well, we've gotta get you looking nice then."
"Um... sorry..." Mellody sighed, biting hre lip and shaking ehr head. "But if it's your B-day then we've gotta do somethign special"
"I'm fine!" Mellody persisted, grabbing hold of Lana's wrist, a hint of her older personality in her eyes. "But, did you jsut say it's your birthday...?"
Mellody smiled in what would appear to be a cheerful way, but right now jsut seemed reallyt sad, commenting "You should go stay with Near, i'll be fine" and attempting to push her away. ooc: you heard her Death... >->
Mellody hugged Lana back, letting her body half-collapse on her friend, and smiling awkwardly. "It's really nothing..."
"Huh?" Mellody squeaked ligtly, turning and seeing Lana, and half-waving. "Yeah, i'm fine... just... thinking..." ooc: no, i'm saying you in specfici DS44 are warped... unfortunetly, i suspect what you said is true, and i also suspect that RA adn Demi are the ones who did it to us... <-< >->
ooc: things are far too warped with you guys O.o Mellody sighed, staring blankly around, lost in her own little world. Ever since Lidner had made herself more apparent, she was almost always drifting about with this lifeless expression in her face, preffering to watch the others from corners until her legs eventually gave way and she collapsed. And she had also given up wearing leather, which for whatever reason seemed to make people less concious of her. In all honesty, she preffered it like this. And almost as if it went with the leather, her personality disappeared as well, revealing a much more depressive girl, who evidently was quite shy from her iffy tone whenever she was directly approached. At the current moment, she was wearing a plain white T-shirt, and a blue skirt, walking down the hallway with either a sad expression, or she'd wear an obviously fake smile when people asked, claiming that she's just thinking of 'time's long past' and then continuing on with her depressive way of doing things. And though she'd never tell, one of the key things that were bothering her, was that Lana had stopped noticing her lately. She understod that she was spending alot of time with Near, and that they needed to get closer each day, but quite frankly all she wanted was a 'hello' and she'd be happy. And another thing that had quickly come to bothered her was Theory's constant attempts at cheering her up, which normally ended up making her feel worse about herself somehow. And despite all of this, she still felt somehow alone, as if their was a massive blank in her life, where she had been found, and then almsot as suddenly, lost, in what had formed into a fiery eclipse in her mind, and now... she was what was left of that person...
ummm, it's kind of complicated, but the way i explained it to my friends is basically, large animals with wierd skeletal structures going to war, doing hte whole polotics thing, falling in love e.t.c.... other than that i can't think of a good way to describe it o.o'
Has anyone else besides me read this series and actually like it? O.o cause i've seriously NEVER meet someone esle who has read this series AND liked it... ._.
This family needs life... what hapened to everyone?
"Where is the chess anyway?"
"CAn we just play already...?"
"God it's boring..." Mellody sighed. "You wanna play chess or something...?"
"Nothing really..." Mellody shrugged. "So, what should we do now...?"
"I got lonely" Mellody explained diverting her eyes. "And bored..."
"Why did i come where?" Melldoy asked somewhat confused by the question.
"Look, just cheer up already ok?"
"Cheer up emo one."