Mellody litterally slammed her head into her pillow, screaming yet again, this time for everything she had just learnt, for the lover she had lost, and the betrayal she felt from her best friend, continuing until she had pretty muxch knocked herslf out from lack of breath, directly aiming a kick at Lana in an attempt to at least knock her from the bed.
"Just... just leave me alone!" Mellody yelled at her, not even looking at her face...
"I...i hate you..." Mellody muttered, hiding her face in her pillow again...
Mellody just stared at Lana shaking her head slowly, unable to believe her best friend had kept something like this from her...
Mellody diverted her eyes slightly to her friend, unsure of what to say or do but simply "H-he... di-died... f-fo..."
i consistently go for like a few days with only an hours sleep, so i know how you feel... ._.
well then, let's try to revive it?
Mellody continued her tauntran for a few more minutes, until eventually she'd run herself down so far she could barely do more than cry, pushing her face as far as she could into her pillow, which, by now, was soaked in tears, her eyes worn out, painful and red from all the crying...
Mellody gulped hard, hiccuping halfway through, vertually tackling her bed when she heard the door shut, shoving her face into her pillow as she cried freely, kicking out randomly in a childish tautrum-like fashion, not caring what she broke, or how much of a nuisance she was becoming as she creamed as loud as possible until her lungs began to hurt...
Mellody pulled away from Theory, tears freely flowing down her face, as she loked her in the eyes, not even able to kepe a partially straight face as she attempted pitifulyl at asking Theory for a moment to herself...
Mellody completly froze, tears falling from her eyes almost as fast as they had before, as she seemed to just stare into space, a deep cold feeling in her chest...
"But..." Mellod started, her curiousity mixing with her distress and confusing her even more and slowly leading her into a state of disbelief. "are...are you saying he lived for me...?
purely because i'm bored, please allow me to enter... *drops pokeballs, Jounin Kakashi and Gohan were realesed* Gohan use Saiyan transformation, and Kakashi use chidori! Gohan transcended to Super Saiyan Jounin Kakashi started charging Chidori
Mellody gulped painfully... "What... what do you mean?
where'd everyone go? ._.
Mellody couldn't help but giggle, if only in the slightest. "I swear... he lived to beat him..."
"All... alll i could ever do was to... to laugh... even when i could've.." Mellody mumbled clinging to Theory tightly for comfort.
"I-it was funny at times... and the-then annoying others..." Mellody sighed, crying into Theory's shirt. "Once he de-decided something... that was... that was it..."
Mellody sighed deeply, feeling Theory's warmth and coming down a little... "...He was u-just so de-termined!" she finally finished half laughing half choking on her own words at the end...