lol xddd, i am going to make a few more tifa sigs?? give me som CnC (opions, critisize, what can i improve n ect) ps i am going to make it smaller
here are some sigs of yoda, this time i tryed not to add to much, i just changed the back round. please give me any tip going to make some more soon
i made these for the last few hours, they are my first real sigs i ever put together. so what do you guys think??
this song is called star wars cantina by Richard Cheese never heard of him??? watch this!
you................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. OWE ME MONEY!!!!! jk
This shop is for Rpers who want to make there oc charecters be veiweble to others beside yourself no i ani't a master at those really nice ones but i love making these tipes the first few are my charecters so no stealing [Item Information] the other ones u can have, also if u have a charecter in a RPG but on;y have a defenition i will make it for u [Item Information] jak(used to be my charecter but now needs a home) [IMG] or give a picture of a charecter like from a very pretty picture, that u want to fit in your siggy so it does not take up so much room. ya know? It is also good to have one, if u don't have a pic of your charecter, give me a good description, and i will make it for u. they are really meant for RP's though. I also can combine like two or more charecters into one sig ALSO I KNOW THAT THESE AREN'T GREAT I AM JUST DOING thEM FOR FUN. PLEASE DON'T FLAME ME!!! fill this form out, or give me a picture owner- gender- eyes- clothes- ocupation- tattos, peircings, special- old, or regular-
MY little sig shop!!!!! moving shop!!! ~CLOSED~
Let’s say you are a snowman, and this place is for lava monsters only because it is in a volcano. Wouldn't it be smarter to stay in the cold then to come in an active volcano? If you go in the volcano some little lava people might come and melt you. Which means don't be going down into the wrong neighborhood. Unless u wants trouble? So what do you all think about it?
He never showed up on your date Was he late? Is he with another girl? The thought of him betraying you makes me want to go up to him and hurl Why does he live to tell about it? Why are the candles of your hope not lit? Forget him he is not worth your time. His face is made of slime. His hands are blood red. From all the hopes he made dead His eyes are disguised as friends. But they will destroy you in the end. His lips will slur lies. Whoever kisses him will die. Please Dinesty, please don't cry.
my fan by:jedininjaZC This is my fan It is a expression of my emotion It is a extention of my hand It is my one true devotion
by:jedininjaZC This is my sword It wounds the wrong It speaks my words It sings a beautiful song It has a special design I use it to fight Its metal is that of a uneven line Me and my sword only follow the light
"I was looking for a ultimate library i read about, it had every single bit of information one could want to know. It was said to be destroyed into astroids and parts of the library are in different locations. i found a few astorids with the most asounding books i ever read. I am sure that many astroids still float in space that contain the books. i only have three of them, and each book would somehow reveal the next books location. So if i can find the clue in the third book i would find the 4th."-by ZC A man named ZC has a hungere for knowledge ever since he started reading when he was 4, so he created a ship to explore other worlds at the age of 13. He stops at a planet nearby to refuel, but he will find himself friends, and allies who can help him. They who join him will help him find this ultimate library, and travel the galaxy with him. they who want the knowledge for themselves will use it for evil, and race across the galaxy, to find each astroid before ZC Since this may be a long Rp i will remake it whenever a astroid is found, Rules these rules are clear and simple, and I don't ask a lot. 1 NO GOD MODDING(aka not giving a person time to react between posts) 2 Vilonce is acceptibal,as is blood, but no mortal combat junk, i do not want guts being pulled out of people(FINISH HIM!! BRUTLALLITY!lol) 3 romance is pg-13, but do not be having s-e-x in everyones eye veiw(you can kiss, cudle, sleep in the same bed with some clothes on) i also don't care if u wana be homosexual, hetrosexual or biosexual in this thread (but no hardcore junk please) 4 Do not kill another player without asking 5you can have up to 5 charecter, but they all can't fit on my ship. so some charecters will have to be enemys. and some temporary charecters(for like a few posts or somthing) 6 please do not try saying you know where the astroid is, i will reveal clues in the story, if u want to add five cents to the story please ask me. 7 read the rules 1-6!!!!lol fill this out to join Played by: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Weapon(s): History: Elements Other: all your fiil out sheets will be kept here*look below* if u would like one of your chaecters to be removed tell me please. also i will put any warnings under each charecterers if the member who plays them breaks a rule in the this thread, so i will be keeping track. key- NW- no warnings W- a warning S1-first strike S2- second strike S3- the third and final strike, u will be removed. I do not want to ban anyone so follow the rules freinds *smiles* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- charecters: Played by: JedininjaZC Name: ZC Age: 15 Gender: male Appearance: Weapon(s): orange lightsaber(s) History: He thinks a lot, he often speaks words of wisdom dispite his age. He is somewhat an elfen creature(no he is not santa's helper and he is not short). There is no trace of his parents at all, how he lived remains a mystery. He is also a Jedi, and a expert engineer(and he has healing skills). His best friend is a robot named back-pack which he made Elements (Up to 2): The Force Other: he can fall in love, so don't be shy lol Played by: JedininjaZC Name: (undecided) Age: 23 Species:Jawa Gender: female Appearance: her cloak is gray, and her pockets in it is filled with drawing stuff Weapon(s): she carrys a handy blaster that she had an idea of, then made. it is one of the few things she ever made. History: a jawa that was not like other jawa, she was not intrested in the junk(robot) trade like everyone of her species. she wanted to draw, that is all she wanted to do, she even drawed ideas for robots that they could make out of the droid parts they found. the other jawa denied her ideas, and uniqness. she was bannased, and had to where a gray jawa cloak, not a brown but a gray to show she was in exile. Elements:undecided Other: she is a mute Played by: #1 DinestyX Name: Anna Age: 13 Gender: female Appearance: Weapon(s): bow and arrows and ninja stars History: HEr parents both died in a fire when she was very younge and from then on she was raised by her big brother Elements: water Other: she trys to be brave but is always afraid of loosing her big brother Played by: #1 DinestyX Name: Erin Age: 15 Gender: male Appearance: see Anna's pic Weapon(s): sword and hand gun History: same as Annas and...he is involved in a gange so he can have money to take care of Anna Elements: fire Other: he has a wolf (see pick) named Alexander NW Played by: Ninja Warrior Princess Name: Angel Age: 11 Gender: female Appearance: girl Weapon(s): N/A History: was capsherd by government people and has been there prisoner ever since Elements: air Other: her teddey is her only friend NW Name: rexejon Age: 16 Gender: male Appearance: black spikey hair,black clothes one normall red eye and one predator red eye Weapon(s): katana's and shuriken and claws (in wolf form) History: learned the way of darkness and wolf and ninja from ancient monks after finding him as a baby Elements: darkness Other: he got the dark powers but he is good NW Played by: BlackKeyblade706 Name: Zack Age: 18 Gender: male Appearance: Weapon(s): two swords History: find it out in story Elements: ice Other: Name: Alex Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: Weapon(s): staff History: she has no past Elements light and water Other: N/A NW Played by: Ninja Warrior Princess Name: Matthew Age: 15 Gender: male Appearance: Weapon(s): sword & hand gun History: same as Angels but he was solde to an evil gange leader that has made him his slave Elements: earth Other: NW Played by:blackkeyblade706 Name: Kar Age: 26 Gender: male Appearance: Weapon(s): two pistols History: evil pilot that's Zack's older brother Elements: electricity O.O btw this is a better pic of Zack.. he's the one in the background Played by: cloud's buddy Name: sabin Age: 15 Gender: male Appearance: Weapon(s): 2 swords History: he was a slave until he broke out looking for his master Elements:light Other: he falls in love easily Played by: cloud's buddy Name: edgar Age: 21 Gender: male Appearance: Weapon(s): a sword History: he is sabin's brother so he is taking care of him Elements :darkness Other:he said he will never love W Played by: Xert Name: Xert Age: uknown (but above his 20ies) Gender: male Appearance: Black and whight robe Weapon(s): uses portals to get what wepon he wants History: I'll fill this one out later Elements: All FF spells portal use and bends peoples minds to his will Other:You can find out more from other post W Played by: Luna561 Name: Alex Age: 16 Gender: female Appearance: Weapon(s): staff History: she was a princess of the sky Elements: wind, light Other: sister of Luna Played by: Luna561 Name: Luna Age: 16 Gender: male Appearance: Weapon(s): sword History: warrior of the angels Elements: wind earth Other: Sister of Alex NW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/color] [/COLOR]
Oka which do you think came first the chicken or the egg. In your first post give your oppionin then in the next defend it. I am putting my money in for the chicken Please do not tease other members, or critisize them. But explain why you think they are wrong.
HE JUST FINISHED IT LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!! For those who never heard of it is a great story!! It's abotu some guys who got real lightsabers, but are challeneged by others, who want them here is the first movie. AND for those who seen 3 in the morning here is Six part one and two :star-wars-smiley-02:starwars::woohoo::rockband::cheers: