I was on deviant art today and I was looking up stuff on religion when I saw this stamp with thousands of religions on it. http://spyridon.deviantart.com/art/Religion-Stamp-75599638?offset=425#And right now I am wondering to myself which one would fit me the best. All I know is that I don't believe in Gods(yes that includes the God of abraham) or Goddeses. I am a believer in evolution. I believe love is love, NO MATTER WHAT. I believe that all life is connected through the force(energy), and I believe in karma. Does anyone know of a religion/belief that fits all that? Also I am not asking to be converted into anything I just want to know if my beliefs are shared with another group of people.
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I followed the tuturial on metal text and applied it to two symbols from star wars. Rebel Alliance This is the first one I did, I personally don't like my work on it. Galatic Empire This one I am little more proud of because it met my goal which was to make the metal a very light and shiny steal. Please CnC!(Comment and Critisize)
I made the stars by following this tuturial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShXlQe9jJdQ&feature=channel And I followed a metalic text tuturial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oHNQzJpUlg Cnc would be great..it took me about two days to get this finished.
When a woman loves a man And a man loves a woman It can be a joyous thing if the two declare their love for each other. But when a woman pronounces her love to her best friend Who doesn’t feel the same way about her It can be fatal to their friendship Do not be afraid of love But don't make a fool out of yourself Pronounce your love carefully And guard your heart My friend...
TO HAVE A FIESTA!!!!!! But then zoidberg showed up and ruined it....... so i killed his slinky! that will teach you zoidberg!
Hello everyone, and for anyone that knows me might say 'zc Where have you been?' and I would say 'having a life'. I recently started a martial arts class called Gumdo(gumdo means sword in korean). Yup I am finally learning the correct way to use a sword or bamboo sword :) . I also just turned 16 which means i will have to get a job soon. I am still trying to figure out what I should go to colledge for though.. because martial arts won't get me money, but i plan on sticking with it and going into competitions. Even though I've been gone for some time I am still don't know myshgelf completly but i will get there. So anyway what have ya'll been doing while I've been gone?
can i have some Cnc please!? pretty please? before after CNC!! please also cnc on these ones too please!! http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=46758 http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=46186
Yesterday i took this colored image (fyi i put it in a link so the picture would not eat the page lol) http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff167/JedininjaZC/spring-flower-bulbs.jpg then i followed a sepiah tuturial and got this(plus i shrinked it) I am thinking on doing another one, but i want some CnC first.(trust me it will take you 10 seconds to give me advice, don't walk away give me some CnC darn it!lol)
yeah i felt like making a bisexual flag, i want to know what else i should add to it. its been a while since i made a image. Cnc please
My childhood moster lived in the basement!! nothing more creepy then the basement for me you?
Yes i am back. i feel a lot better with alot of stress out of me, and one book done. Lol so how is everyone?
I need to clear alot of things up, school has been keeping me busy, and i have been so busy with my girlfriend;and we are writing a book. And for some reasone the spark i saw here is not as bright as it used to be. I must meditate on this, and my life, and how i am going to run it. And don't worry Even if i am not logged on, even if i don't respond to your pms. I am still here. The force will be with you...... always......
I think we all have a dream in life right? My goal in life is to go to colledge and take some classes on bible study, and take some classes to become a therepist, because i love helping people with anything social in their life. And i want to go to Bible/scriptue classes in colledge so i can increase my wisdom, since wisdom does come from God. rules List your current goal Do not put fantisys in here it has to be real goals you can work for ex of good goals- looking for the lochness monster by saving up a bunch of money to start a investigation on or i want to become a docter B/c____________ ex of somthing that is not a goal-I want to climb up a rainbow and see rainbowmonkeys that love to live in peoples ears! or make a pb&j sandwhich today No flamming
somthing i saw on youtube, everytime i watch it a crack up, but the message it delivers is so powerful, don't smoke. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWW5t2t_ayY Warning: not actualy a commercial, also watch the hole thing its about 3 minutes i don't own this, no way responsible if your sides ace, and no lepercons were killed in posting this link.
Your IQ Is 95 Your Logical Intelligence is <b>Average</b><br> Your Verbal Intelligence is <b>Above Average</b><br> Your Mathematical Intelligence is <b>Above Average</b><br> Your General Knowledge is <b>Above Average</b> A Quick and Dirty IQ Test http://www.blogthings.com/quickanddirtyiqtest/ ^_^ this is what i got a 95 xddd Find our yours!!!(take the test in the link)
I made some cookies and pie here have some............ Don't resist it stop lieing to yourself yes take it xddddddddddddddddd
listen to the speech if ya want http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbUtL_0vAJk God bless him for doing so much for the USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oka i went full out with this one pic of yoda i several sigs out of this one pic original this is yoda from episode 3 when he his trying to hold back Darth sidous's ligthing yoda gets tattos on face i used the burn tool so many times to make these tattos on his face right, also blurred the backround, sharpedn his eyes, and increased the shadows all over Yoda/maul and the final step i changed the color balnce, in the shadow, midtone, and higlight, to get him all nice and red -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CnC please(comment, critic, advice, no flamming)
Dance like any food!!!! (original idea came when i was dancing as fruit with catch the rain!!!!!!! that was fun!!) *dances like a corn muffin* look at me dance and all my crumbs spilling yummy!!!! REAL CORN MAKES ME SPECIAL!!! rules no flamming no copycatting