Is noone in the community chat room? :B|: I'm back from my cruise! So what did I miss? :B
Tommorow me, and my faimly are gonna drive down to Florida, so that we can go on a Disney cruise in the carribean (on the Disney Magic to be precise). I am gonna go swimming with rays, and all that jazz. Anyway I am going to be gone for nine days, so don't try to miss me too much. :lolface:
. . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. Spoiler You just lost the game.
Does this avatar make me look too feminine? Spoiler Do you think I am a girl (no peeking at my profile)? :lolface:
We just scared hopper off; which is not a good thing!!! I mean sure he was kind of a noob, but he made up for it. He invited over 5 people to join this website, and all we did was make fun of him. So now he's gone. Let's just hope his friends/brothers won't follow his path. We need to realize that newbie’s are what will help make our forum grow. As Master Gross told me (FYI on of my martial art masters) white belts are the most important part of our school, they are what helps out school grow, and keeps us alive. We need to realize that right now. All trolling must stop. Trolling is just a fancy word for cyber bullying, yet we have not done enough to control it. I believe stricter measures should be put on trolling, once we achieve this more new members will decide to stay instead of leave. By doing this we will make everyone happy, and if any member gets sore about a warning then he needs to realize that the staff have a responsibility, and that they cannot let problems slip by so easily. I am suggesting that we put on a different mask. We need to tighten up just a bit, because obviously this forum as a machine is not performing at full capacity. Also we need to realize that new members are not always going to come in as a bright and shiny new gear. Some of them may be rusted, others may be scratched up, and some may be a different size, while others are made of weaker material that can not handle a certain position. The point is we need to learn that each member must be treated differently, that each member is going to react in a different way to your way of moderating. Some may say I am overreacting. I am only voicing my opinion on what I think needs to be done. Such sweet memories.... I finally am starting to remeber why I joined this website. :{ more kingdom hearts more more!!!!!!
You find a genie lamp, you rub it, and a Genie pops out of the lamp. The Genie will grant you three wishes but first there are some ground rules. READ DA RULES 1. No wishing for more wishes 2. No wishing for the deaths of others. 3. No bringing back people from the dead. 4. No wishing for someone to fall in love with you. 5. No wishing for there to be no rules on wishing. (I have seen Aladdin too many times :lolface:) Here are the thread rules: 1. If you make an unclear wish be prepared for the wish to backfire. 2. Even if your wish is specific you must realize that every wish will have a downside. If you are able to find your wish to have more positives than negatives then you should make it. 3. You may not edit your posts after you make a wish. 4. Make one wish per post, and explain why you would make it. 5. After each wish is made another member (or your genie) will examine it, and then grant your wish. The genie will then give CnC on the wish, so that wisher may improve for the next wish. 6. You must say the word 'I wish' when making a wish. Ready, set, wish.
Okay listen I am in love with my best friend, but she had a boyfriend in Denmark. Yeah in Denmark, 10 years older than me too. I tried to stay happy for her, but I just want to cut her boyfriend in half. I have confesed my feeling for her multiple times, and everytime I get turned down because she has a boyfriend. At some times I think my life would be better without her. Which is not true since she is the one who helped me come over my bigotry. I have never loved someone like Sierra in my whole life! She is so smart, and pretty and intelligent. Its not fair, why couldn't I have me her before she had her damn boyfriend? Why does her boyfriend even have to exist? I don't know what to do. I don't want to leave her, because she is the only person who truley understands me, but I don't want to keep getting hurt. I tried datting other people, but one turned out to be a bigot, and the other one hasn't talked to me ever since I told he I was an atheist. I don't think there is anyone who I will love as much as I do Sierra... What should I do?
whats todays secret word?! Spoiler
Early this Sunday at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida two trains on the famous Monorail crashed into each other.The accident killed one of the drivers, and injured 5 passengers. I found this news pretty shocking myself, especially since I have ridden that monorail so many times in my life.I guess its just one of those things that everyone thinks is perfect, but we all know that once you get to comfortable with something is when it stabs you in the back. Was this sabotage or merely an error in the system? More on this event:
your child was Gay? Okay you are in your mid 40s you have a loving wife, and three sons. Your youngest son has shown signs of being gay ever since his toddler years, and he now has crush on a boy at school. Your son comes to asking you for advice on what he should do about his feelings. What do you do? (respond to this thread lexamus, its the main reason I put it here).
Star wars Knights of the old republic the sith lord has been under a restoration project for the last five years by team Gizka. Team Gizka's Offical site: The restoration of KOTOR will contain the following improvments: Bug Fixes Speech improvment HK droid Factory This game will not include the deleted droid planet M4-78 Multiple Endings(real ones) And so much more!!!! Here is the offical trailer. Now it says summer 2008 because the team had set the video sharing off of private in April of 2009. The team does not plan on giving a release date, since that is what made the original KOTOR 2 so rushed and incomplete. I can't wait!!! Well I can, but you get the idea.
But he didn't look like he was in a very good mood.
Guess what?
Are my babies ready yet?
I am bored. Amuse me and I will give you a Golden bannana!
wants to be my friend??!?! :D :D :D :D :D
Why is it everytime I leave Khvids all the people I know have to change names?:yelling: