Yep! I was about to say that it's a little unnatural for a guy your age to not have anyone he's attracted in.
Ah, Good late night/ early morning to you!
We can call him "Inch High Private Eye!"
Yeah, rejection's a pain... But I agree with Rat. It's nothing to get scared over, or to get upset over. Well, maybe you should get a little upset, that's natural, but just be mature, and she should come to realise you're a good guy. If she doesn't, there might be another girl around.
I has quite a few Utada songs! Hikki is teh greatest! So talented! Only 16 when she reached her peak!
Ah. That might be your problem. You need to get some morwe confidence. I suggest getting a friend of yours, either a gay guy or a girl, to practice with. When you're confident enough, ask her out, if she rejects you, you can always go after another...
Dear god... Thank you for the gift we are about to recieve!
Yeah... it's wierd. I had a really short haircut, and I look like my dad. I've decided to let my hair grow out. Might dye it blonde. The blue is fading out of it...
Has made love to a bunny
Really? 15? I've had a few girls like me, but I'm not a total lesbian, so I had to blow 'em off.
Buy it, Use it, Break it, Fix it, Trash it, Change it, Melt-Upgrade it.