You're never alone when there's someone around you who loves you.
Yes. If you had to, would you run around naked screaming about the aliens?
Dubious Bet you didn't think you'd be on the wrong side of the law when you started this quiz? Thought you were sweet and innocent? Well maybe you should swot up on the law. Otherwise you never know when you might get a knock on the door… Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*: Years in prison: 72 Potential fine: £0
No, I don't even like klondike bars. If you had to eat your sister/best friend's wedding cake, would you?
Depends on the friend. If you had to gurgle syrup, would you?
Noir Herro prease!
Username: Original_Edward Real Name: Tak Age: 17 Gender: Female Specialties: Giving out advice, hugs, kisses, whatever you nees. Interests/Hobbies: Drawing, Video Games, Shouting at the Mall. Currently Collecting Gothic Lolita, FFVII merchandise, FFVIII merchandise, FFX merchandise, KH merchandise, and KHII merchandise. Personality: It really depends, sometimes I'm a mellow sweetheart, sometimes I'm angry, and sometimes I'm REALLY ditzy! History: Well, I was born in a lab, by Dalk. I was a failed experiment, so I'm on the run right now...
C-c-c-combo Breaker!
The ability to change any part of my body at will. Not only the external, but internal as well. I'd also be able to change into a whole other person, animal, whatever, and still be able to change parts at will. No restrictions, 'cause that's boring!
Yeah, my family has a long line of Amazon women, so most of us look a bit older than we are. My little sis is the first shorty we've had in a while. Well, I should go now. It's late/early, and someone might be woken up but the clicky buttons on my keyboard. Later, DSK! Hope you find someone special! *A Kiss for luck!*
Marylin Monroe... No reason...
17 right now. In about 3 months I'll be 18.
Ah, so you're in the food business too. I used to be a waitress at a little cafe. Don't rule out that they'll never come back. When I was a waitress, a guy came by every morning, he'd order coffee, and I'd talk to him. Eventually, he began to like me, and before I know it, he proposes. Had to turn him down, though.
The trust, love, and compassion of everyone.
I like yellow.... god!!! You're right!
Hm... That's sad... What kind of place do you work at? A Job says a lot about people... Then again so does height... And looks... Crap... Now I'm reliving a bad memory...
No.... Have you ever licked someone's navel?