ikr My Twi is amazing.
Lol, brony applies to girls and guys~ So, how are you?
Believe me, I know this forum like the back of my hand.
FIne, thanks. And you?
Used to be on the site a while back , so I'm not THAT new.
an Pinkie is so annoying it's hilarious. I have a Twi, Fluttershy and Pinkie toys.
Thanks! Your's isn't too bad yourself.
Good, and you?
Rainbow Dash is my favorite, tied with Fluttershy and Rarity, then Twi. But Flutter and Rarity didnt flow very well, and RBD was taken. (P.S. Do...
Haha, yes it is.
Hi there. (tenchars)
Hello. (tenchars(
Jaden, It's Yugi.
Hi! I thought I'd make a friend, and I like Harry Potter.
BRONNNNYYYY I wanted your name but it was taken.
It's more a natural instinct to look at one of the most attractive parts of a woman.
Uhm, Rainbow Dash was taken, and I didn't think of Fluttershy, but thank you for the welcome! Who doesn't? I'm a great KH fan! Thank you too, for the welcome
Fellow brony!