Hey again~ And my name's Kelton. You have a really pretty name by the way.
I'm going to go, I'll talk to you sometime later.
Probably Xemnas, he's pretty cool, and he was a badass boss too.
Would this be awesome or what? Perhaps some dark force convinces Luna to revert back into Nightmare Moon? or Discord returns to reak horrible vengeance? Or perhaps a Nightmare Moon/Discord Double feature?
Haha, so, if you don't mind ME asking, what's your real first name?
You can say anything, I'm your age.
No, sorry, but I'm not giving my facebook away to my boss, no matter who they are. Some things like that are just too personal, and your boss should realize that.
And by the way, Applejack is one word.
Not to be rude, but why would you want to know?
All right, so I thought I'd save all of ya'll the trouble of making new threads when you want to talk about Minecraft. I know there are a ton of you guys out there who play and you want to talk about it, so post here instead of clogging up the board with multiple threads, huh? Think of it as the Minecraft Spot. So, anyone else excited for 1.3?
Mine would have to be You're Gonna go Far Kid- By the Offspring. That, or Million Ways by OK Go
My first one I think I named Lightning Flash (IDK why) but I thought it sounded sweet.
From fav to least fav: Rainbow Dash Rarity Fluttershy Twilight Sparkle Pinkie Pie Applejack
Rainbow Dash
Bronies group on fbook :3
Haha, thanks. Anyway, so, what's up?
I was here previously.
Hey there.