cool i love bleach to i am not at the biggining of it because i can't affored the next box set yet but i know a lot about it all ready lol i love...
Forensic science and Psychology i am pretty good at it but that dose not make it quicker to do
lol cool ether way i have said what i wanted to lol i will see if i can find it
sos then m8 i was quite bad at that to lol
lol strange name but still cool
sos just going throght people sites who are online and i have to say i love your profile pic it is cool
realy lol is that the anima if so the left and right manipulators do the most damage so get rid of them first lol
3rd birthday ok first of for anyone that likes final fantasy, gun games, or games with good stroylines and monsters this is a game for you lol but anyway to my question in the games u can get diffrent outfits but i hav almost completed it and have only got 2 of them the starting ones so my question is can anyone help me get some more of the outfits.
well it is one of those games that get easyer the more times you play it lol
and good luck to u to lol
let the fight BEGIN i will let you go first as someone once said "the hero is always the last one to make his entrance"
cool sounds like we have alot in commen just about every one point i am the same lol so do u like bleach, princess monanoke, or final fantasy 12...
lol well i love XII it has to be said the story line on how it comes from a political way as well as a magical way to. i also love the people in...
well it work so not great lol
lol great to u to
well i am here for ya
arr poor u well i am good at that sort of thing if u want to talk to someone that wont look at you like a pay check i am good just ask mojaxs
no worrys lol it is more fun talking and speaking of which what have you been up to them m8 lols
don't worry been on there befor m8 it is quite cool lol well which is your fav final fantasy and for what reson (you can have more than one)
cool never can go wrong with computer games lol