thanks lol
collage is good almost finished the first year only one more to go and no i have not been to any pubs becase i have not money lol shame i know but...
lol ok i will stop that now lol
well true but soon it will all be cores work not tests
and hard lol realy hard
me completly nothing just collage work lol wow a move cool
good to no i am not the only one lol and oh well just think when it is over you wont have to do it again at all that is a good think a little pain...
so how have you been (sos for sending the last post 3 times the botton sliped)
lol hi how have you been
lol forensics and phycolagy
the aster ploflorian is a hard boss i struggled but the best thing to do is to sort out your paradigms to have 1 with a sentinel and 2 ravagers...
well you talk big but can you live throght this *teleport to the top of the arena hold up my hands my body glowes and a huge fire ball appers in...
tell me about it lol
lol true true the world will be a bome site lol
i no what u mean i am a twin to but we a both boys lol and i do tons of stuff for him and i get no appreciateion for it
is it on chapter 9 and called barthandelus an old man
collage work mostly work lol sadly
mmmm chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate...
i seem to remember that was my trick first well all i can say is people like you tend to copy the best
lol that would be confusing lol