thanks if it works out i will see if i can give u a dedication or something lol
good to hear you are on top of things lol
yep i am m8 Mitchell Hunter if u see a pic with a 2 people one with an afro then u got me lol cool are you on it as well then
sos m8 have not been able to get to a computer but with the morgan thing there is this movie about a hanted hotel can't for the life of me...
sounds it lol well u will pull throght it
well due to the balance been destroyed magic is posable but uising it to much turns you into a monster so some sort of magic is posable and kota...
dame that sounds nice lucky bugger
well i am dislecsic so a very badly spelt book with sentenses that dose not make sence but it is a fantasy book about the wrolds ballance being...
i would say someone like morgan freeman he always makes good mvies and wit his voice the dialoge would be so cool
lol sos got to go now speak soon
no worrys i wont be on for long and lol good answer guess you like star wars lol ok your question
writing a subpare book lol and talking to people
hi smarty what are you up to
hi remember me lol you never got back
well alway look on the better side of it lol
sos don't get online much err ok who would you rather start a moive with me but with all the money we would need or steven spilburg but with no money
lol that is quite funny and cute and i don't say cute very often lolz
thanks i will keep an ear open lol
your welcome my check is in the post lolz
weired lol but yes and an apple why did u ask that