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  1. Scarred Nobody
    and how many babies have been eating by dingoes.
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jul 2, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Scarred Nobody
    People dress in Les Misérables cosplay.
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jul 1, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Scarred Nobody
    The fact that a lot of season finales are happening, I'm not surprised. Depending on the channel, it's possible to go a week without showing anything new. It's just life.

    A lot of the time, people spend time with family and friends on holidays. Not just creators, but viewers as well. 4th of July is coming up, which calls for cookouts, fireworks, memorial visits, and a lot of travelling. Disney and Nickelodeon's main demographic is family and very very young children (most of the time), and that demographic will not be in front of the television at this time, so it's not beneficial for them to premiere anything.

    They don't care for the few consumers that are not in their demographic and staying home at that time. They care about the bigger picture.
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jun 27, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Scarred Nobody
    - I'm surprised no one brought up how hyped the room seemed to be at the Square Enix Presents confrence for Kingdom Hearts 3. I mean, they were hyping the crap out of it!

    - I can get not liking Nightmare Before Christmas. There are a lot of aspects about it, but it seems it suffers from the backlash of hype. Tim Burton’s style is definitely not for everybody, but I feel when he’s really inspired on something (Edward Sissorhands, Sweeney Todd, Big Eyes), he can really turn out something good. (And, I feel obligated to say what the Burton did not direct NBC. He contributed a lot to the film, and while it’s based on something he did, he is not the director).

    - Frozen is so freaking popular in Japan! I remember going on ANN a lot last year, and there was news about Frozen every other day. It broke all kinds of cultural records, so it's definitely happening.

    - There have been a number of opportunities for the games to incorporate the Disney sequels, but haven’t really chosen to do so. I mean, you could say that Aladdin did “Return of Jafar”, but that could also sort of been read as an original story. I’ve even heard a lot of back and forth if the Disney sequels are really cannon, since most of them are failed television episodes put together into a single movie (well, the direct to DVD sequels anyway).

    - I'm surprised no one brought up The Matterhorn for the attraction attacks (coughnickcough). It would be an awesome ice attack, and they could totally incorporate that yeti!

    - I’m fine with another Pirates world if it means that Crispman Freeman does voice dubbing for Will Turner again. And the plot of the movies kind of wrote out Will and Elizabeth, but the reasons for that could be anything (wouldn’t sign on for more movies, so just get rid of them here).

    - I really don’t like Brave (sorry misty). I feel it has so many problems on a storytelling level. However, I really do see it working as a Kingdom Hearts world. The environment is very pretty, and there are a lot of elements they can definitely play with. All I wish for is for them to make the story better (and to make Merida likable).

    - I have a lot of love in my heart for Inside Out! I felt that it was a really great story and really took me for a loop, and could fit perfectly in the Kingdom Hearts Universe. Maybe it could be something similar to what they did with Tron, a world within a world. I figured that they would have to go inside Kiari’s head, maybe to look for Namine or something that will help her with being a Keyblade Master, and adapt the movie plot to that. The only problem is that it’s a relatively recent release, so I’m not sure if they even had that slated as a possibility.
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jun 27, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects
  5. Scarred Nobody
    I woke up to this news, and was really excited. While this doesn't effect me in any way, I know a lot of people who are. I've always felt that everyone should be seen as the same under the eyes of the law, and see this as a great victory for human rights. This pleases me as a moral person.

    However, as a Christian, it saddens my heart to see how so many other Christian's choose to respond.
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jun 26, 2015 in forum: Current Events
  6. Scarred Nobody
    I wonder how many people enroll in that class just to quote that scene.
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jun 26, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Scarred Nobody
    Disappointed this isn't about apples or shinigami. -_-
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jun 26, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Scarred Nobody
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jun 26, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Scarred Nobody
    Had my fall schedule figured out about two months ago. Changed my major (again). -_- On the plus side, there was absolutely no funding available for me this year, so that meant I get to take this summer off.
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jun 26, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Scarred Nobody
    New commercial released, focusing on L vs Kira

    Translation (via ANN)

    Voice & Text: People whose names are written in this notebbok shall die.
    News: The criminal suddenly fell dead.
    Text: Light Yagami is…
    Text: "Kira" (Killer) is…
    Text: Savior
    Text: Or
    Text: Homicidal maniac
    Text: Justice and evil intersect
    Text: True justice standing before him
    Text: Who is justice?
    Text: Simultaneous streaming set in over 120 territories worldwide!!
    Text: New Sunday Drama
    Text: Death Note
    Text: Starts July 5 at 10:00 p.m.
    Voice: Death Note starts on July 5

    Still not a fan about L wearing a button down shirt, but it's really just a nitpick in the grand scheme of things I guess.
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jun 22, 2015 in forum: Movies & Media
  11. Scarred Nobody
    The show will begin July 5th, and be available for legal streaming on Crunchyroll.

    I find the recent amount of Death Note related stuff pretty interested. There's the musical going on in Japan and Korea, and they're still a tiny bit of hope for an American film adaptation. This new TV series is no exception either.

    They're really trying to promote it being a "new story", especially with the addition of Near so early on in the series (it seems). I feel that there are going to be parallels between this and the anime for the first three episodes, simply to establish the rules of this world, and then try to go off on their own. I'm pretty interested to see what they can come up with.
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Jun 21, 2015, 2 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  12. Scarred Nobody
    Due to my current interest in light novels, I decided to check out the first volume of Sword Art Online.

    I can honestly say that I was pleasantly surprised by it. The story is very focused and detailed. While Kirito is still a very bland protagonist, the other characters around him keep the spirit alive; and this is especially true when it comes to Asuna. I mean, wow! The anime really did an injustice to Asuna as a character when comparing it to the source material.

    One thing that I also liked was that most of the stuff I rather was not fond of in the first arc (the inclusion of Kirito's harem as well as Yui) was completely absent in the first volume (I know that they are in volume 2, but this is just judging on the first volume). As well, with all of this stuff being excluded, Kirito doesn't really come off as "GOD MOD BADASS", but a ("physically") strong character, and the amount of losses he goes through really makes him balanced.

    Trust me, there are still plenty of problems with it (The ending still feels very rushed and ham-fisted), but I honestly had a blast reading it. It's a lot better than the anime for me, that's for sure.
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jun 18, 2015 in forum: Anime and Manga
  13. Scarred Nobody
    New books read!!

    No Game No Life Volume 1 by Yū Kamiya

    I'll be honest, I didn't care too much for this one. A lot of the ideas were fun, but I just couldn't find myself rooting for Sora or Shiro. I understand why they are the way they are, but I still felt nothing for them. And the Yen Press translation was difficult to read at time with random punctuation. Out of nowhere.

    Sword Art Online - Aincrad Volume 1 by Reki Kawahara

    A real surprise, since I don't have so hot opinions of the anime. While Kirito was rather bland, there was a lot of stuff to like about it. It also helps that most of the stuff that ticked me off about this arc in the anime were not present in the novel.
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jun 18, 2015 in forum: Literature
  14. Scarred Nobody
    This thread brought to you by Cards Againsr Humanity.
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jun 12, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Scarred Nobody
    How dare you! Trigger warnings are my trigger!!
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jun 9, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Scarred Nobody
    Cake! Cake!
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jun 8, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Scarred Nobody
    Log Horizon Volume 1: The Beginning of Another World by Mamare Touno.

    I picked it up because I really liked the anime and wanted to see what the source material was like. While it can be slow at times, I feel that it's use of world and character building was really well done. However, it clearly suffers from transitioning from a story published on the internet to an actual novel. It repeats things about the world to where it gets annoying, and the ending doesn't necessarily wrap up in the way a traditional story would end. Still, it's a really good read.

    As well, I just finished up reading Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. It was a book that I couldn't put down for various reasons. It spoke to me on many levels. There are many things I could say about what this book says about youth, fighting, and what it means to be a hero.

    However, I was really fascinated me was what it said about being a leader. I could clearly see why teachers like Graff believing in what they do, but it was obvious that what he was doing was harmful. He wasn't a leader, but someone who was afraid.

    And I'll say this about Card, with what I said when the film was released (which I also really liked). I absolutely do not agree with his politics. In fact, it baffles me that someone with his viewpoints could write a story with a central theme of tolerance and accepting people for their differences.
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jun 3, 2015 in forum: Literature
  18. Scarred Nobody
    If there was some kind of technology that turned our brains into represented images, this would probably be mine...
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jun 1, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Scarred Nobody

    Saw the movie yesterday. Highly recommend it.
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, May 28, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  20. Scarred Nobody
    I agree with what you guys said when saying a good female character is just a well written character. They have flaws, strengths, and is just a normal person. I think the thing about Strong Female Characters being stereotyped as "The Woman Who Kicks Ass" is that for a long time women have been in submissive roles in storytelling. Always the damsel in distress, waiting for their prince to come, and being nothing more than a trophy. And I agree with what Misty said with how these can be well written characters. An example is "Into The Woods". It contains the classic Cinderella story, but it has her questioning what's going on.

    Two things that I saw around the same time was "Agent Carter" and "Big Eyes". Both of these stories take place during the (relative) same time period, and their main protagonist is a female. I honestly think that Margret Keane (as portrayed in the film, I know nothing of her in real life) was a much stronger character than Peggy Carter was.

    Agent Carter really put it in your face that Peggy was in a world dominated by men, so much so, that it seemed really comical and unrealistic. Everything that was said by anyone other than Peggy was how dominate men were at this time, and how much better she is. It kept hammering that message that it couldn't be considered an undertone. It was so unbaringly preachy that I didn't even finish the series.

    However, with Big Eyes, it is clear what the social system was in the film, but it wasn't in your face about it. Margret was submissive to her husband, but her motivations of staying with him made her really strong. She was doing it to give her daughter the life she never had. And the very second her daughter wasn't safe, she left her husband. She was a completely selfless character and did everything in her power to protect her family.
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, May 28, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects